What are they advised to do? Do they attend polling booths and somehow register "neutrality" or are they allowed to be absent altogether? Have politicians or the media ever addressed the issue? Do many besides Jehovah's Witnesses choose not to vote as a matter of principle?
What do Jehovah's Witnesses do about compulsory voting in Australia?
by slimboyfat 13 Replies latest jw friends
I always thought they spoilt their ballot papers.
If they were smart instead of what they are they'd just go ahead and vote.
Do they really think their nitty picky god is looking down and wagging his finger in disapproval?
Yes they do.
What a joke.
Hi Slimboy - As an Aussie and a JW for 40 years (ex for 5 years now) I can answer this.
In Australia you are allowed to not vote for religious/conscience reasons. A few weeks after the election we would get a letter asking to explain why we did not vote, with the option of paying a fine if you did not have a valid reason.
I would write "As one of Jehovah's Witnesses my bible trained conscience does not allow me to take part in the politics of this world" then list a scripture or two.
That was sufficient and there was never any trouble that I know of with JWs not voting.
Of course now that I'm out I quite happily go along to the polling booth and vote.
ps - not sure of the stats re others not voting
Luo bou to
You're sent a please explain notice for failing to turn up at the polling booth. If your excuse is not accepted you are fined I think it is or was $50 I would use the against my conscience as a JW excuse and was never fined I voted at the last election and I am happy to say I didn't vote for the backstabbing bitch that is ruining the country now Not my fault I didn't vote for her
I was always told if you were required to vote you would just write in your own candiate which would be Jehovah of course.
Similar to above posts but one extra point. You have to register to vote, as it's "caesar's law" Many Australians never registered, so don't get notified but jws register, so get an infringement notice. I too wrote the blah blah excuse as above and never received a fine. I was so excited at the polling booth after leaving jws, so I could have my say. So many jws complain about political parties but never do anything about it.
Thanks, interesting.
Thanks- I wondered about that, too. Spoiling your ballot is a lot like JW's, pretending to knock on doors, pretending to witness on the internet, pretending to do phoney return visits, etc.
Broken Promises
Of course now that I'm out I quite happily go along to the polling booth and vote.
I was so excited at the polling booth after leaving jws, so I could have my say.
I'm the same. I get excited about being able to vote. So many non-JWs take it for granted, or hate the intrusion on their Saturday. I don't. I get a thrill out of it.
(yeah, I get excited by the little things, lol)