Jehovah God Does Allow Natural Whole Blood Transfusions
and He Provides Pictures
Click here and read the this important essay at one of the following locations:
. http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/twins.htm
. http://geocities.com/h000c/twins.htm
. http://geocities.com/h002b/twins.htm
. http://geocities.com/h004b/twins.htm
. http://geocities.com/h006b/twins.htm
If one site is busy, click on another.
Yep, that is right folks - this is no joke - Jehovah God has given researchers the ability to take pictures of a natural blood transfusion between two individual human beings. But how? How could this be?
Well Jehovah, since 1990, has apparently told “God’s Chosen Organization” that humans cannot have whole blood transfusions. However, according to the Watchtower, researchers have shown that Jehovah does allow some blood components, such as albumin, to “naturally transfer” between two humans (a mother and fetus during gestation). Seeing God can’t break His own law, albumin is considered a conscience matter for a Witness.
You may recall that I, and then with the help of Maximus, brought the subject of monochorionic pregnancies and the The Watchtower magazine of June 1, 1990 to your folks attention. It showed Jehovah actually allowing for natural whole blood transfers between two humans (fetuses). But I never provided the actual research or a decent explanation for you nice folks.
So feast your eyes on the essay at the above-noted url links. This essay is in Osarif’s web site (Index Link at the bottom of Simon’s web page as “Research on the WT”). The links not only give the essay but also some of the actual scientifc research articles that have been referenced to verify the facts. The research articles are in a "jpg" format so you can move your mouse cursor over the picture, right click and then save it to your computer or just click on them and the pictures will be enlarged.
Now, the medical researchers clearly show you that there is a natural transfer of whole blood between two different fetuses (who are considered individual human beings by the Watchtower). One researcher refers to the natural transfer as an “inter twin transfusion”.
But even more important - go look at the essay’s Appendix 4. Appendix 4 is a medical research article by Dr. Taylor et.al. You can “click on the jpg image to get a bigger picture. Or after you copy those “jpgs” to your computer, open the pages up and zoom in on the colour pictures of the placenta that Dr. Taylor provides in his article. Look close at the placenta pictures and follow the black or white arrows or look at the areas circled. You can actually see the artery of the blood system of one fetus connected to the vein or artery of the other fetus. Then, Dr. Taylor shows you which way the whole blood flows from the one fetus’ blood system to the other’s blood system - neat eh!!!
My Conclusions are simple:
Medical research has, for sometime, identified that Jehovah God actually allows for the natural transfer of whole blood between two separate humans. Researchers have clearly proved and even provided pictures showing the phenomena exists in their studies of monochorionic pregnancies.
As shown in 1990, the Watchtower (as God’s Chosen Organization) recognized that if researchers actually proved a blood component naturally transfers between two humans, then the Watchtower recognized Jehovah God cannot break his own law. The Watchtower has recognized two separate humans as being a mother and a fetus. Obviously two fetuses are also considered separate individual human beings to the Watchtower.
And since Jehovah cannot break his own law, then whole blood transfusions should be a matter for a Jehovah’s Witness’ conscience and free will. There is now no (nor should there have been any) justification for a disfellowship/disassociation action for those Witnesses who take/took whole blood transfusions.
This also cannot be a "wait of jehovah" issue seeing Jehovah has already explained in 1990 that as long as researchers prove that a "natural transfer occurs, the issue becomes a matter of conscience.
Attached in Appendix 5, you are also provided the actual medical literature that proves the Watchtower allows for the transfusion of white blood cells as long as the transfusion is considered a “transplantation” and called peripheral blood stem cell autographing procedure.
Seeing this is a life and death issue that has taken many a life over the last 57 years, I hope people can use this essay and the accompanying medical research to their advantage and protect the lives of the innocent children and adults in the Jehovah’s Witness community.
One has to wonder about a corporation who touts doctors and a Hospital Information Service that review thousands of medical journals in their understanding of this doctrine.