what age is the youngest COUNTED partaker of the EMBLEMS you know, we got one who is 29, from Slateford Cong in EDINBURGH
by the max 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Steve Lett, now on Governing Body, was a partaker by 1969,,he would have been 20/21.
Dave Wetzler - (now deceased) - used to be a circuit overseer. He began partaking while he was at Bethel; I believe in his mid-twenties.
the max
thankyou for your responses, but how can bona fidi 29yo be taking the Emblems ? I thought the last of the 144000, were sealed in 1935, this young guy was born in 1982, am I missing something here, how can this be ? where is eggnogg ? are there any JW,s who can explain what current Watchtower thinking is here ? your comments and observations would be most welcome.
but how can bona fidi 29yo be taking the Emblems ?
I asked former GB member Albert Schroeder about this, (I was curious about Dave Wetzler's case) and he said that at Bethel if some young guy started partaking they simply observed him for a period of time, and if he measured up to normal witness standards he would be slowly accepted. That was back in 1970. I got the impression that they did not verbally question new partakers to see if they were "good enough".
There was always a thought that a very few new (young) annointed could be "chosen" long after 1935.
One theory was that if an annointed that had "fallen away" died without coming back, a new younger person could be picked to take their place. Their place was supposedly not to be vacated until they died - because there was a chance they might repent.
Crazy? Yes, crazy as a bed-bug, and I am not sure this idea ever made it into print - but it was related to me by a number of JW overseers back in the day.
I thought the last of the 144000, were sealed in 1935.
The Door to Heaven was re-opened in the May 1, 2007 Question from Readers. Therefore, as soon as one is baptized at age nine or eleven, for example, he or she would qualify to partake at the next Memorial.
the max
I have friends who are still active, in that Cong, and they laugh about this guy, they dont know where doctrine is going, though he is the real witness deal. HE is African, and exemlpery.
Steve Lett, now on Governing Body, was a partaker by 1969,,he would have been 20/21.
Nice to know the members of the GB are even more mentally deranged than originally thought.
Hmmm interesting.....I used to live in edinburgh so know some people in that cong but have no idea who it could be. That congregation used to have something like 15 elders in a congregation of about 80 back in the early 90s but now receives mts grads.
There was a JW we knew in the mid 80s, who had been a Partaker™ from the time he was Baptized™. When I met him, he was 25. He had a 5-year-old son with his much older (with old money) JW wife, so he would have been around 19 or 20 when he started Partaking™.
Fast forward to now: he ran off with a younger woman, cleaned out the bank accounts and home possessions - the JW wife was totally blind-sided. Their kid's life got really messed up - he is in jail somewhere.