JW at My Door Admits That She’s Had Doubts

by Broken Promises 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The background: A female JW who introduced herself as Lisa came to my door a couple of weeks ago with a Memorial invitation. I acknowledged that I knew what it was about, and had asked her why they don’t accept the wine and bread. We had a discussion about that, with me stating that the Bible only gives a heavenly hope, not an earthly one. I don’t believe in the Bible anymore, but I haven’t let on. Nor have I let on that I used to be a JW – to explain any knowledge I have I said I had relatives who are JWs (true).

    She’d called back a week ago with some printed WT info on the paradise etc. I wasn't home when she called but she left it in an envelope under my door. I started to read it but I couldn’t stand reading it – it literally started to make me feel sick.

    Anyway, she called again today. She was alone, and I suspect she’s a pioneer. Partly because she was alone at 1.30pm, and just from her demeanor etc.

    She’d brought back a Jan 1 WT on the Garden of Eden. I haven’t read that yet but I will. I’m sure there was a thread here on that mag so I’ll look it up. Personally I don’t really care if the Garden of Eden was real or fake but I didn’t say anything. I’m trying to be polite without putting my big apostate foot in my mouth!

    She offered the “What Does the Bible Teach” booklet. I hadn’t seen it before. I was disappointed to see how cheap looking it appeared compared to the books and booklets from when I was in. I (politely I hope) declined it saying I knew what the JW teachings were. She started on the “accurate knowledge” spiel and showed me the usual scriptures.

    We covered a few things, such as the number of religions under the name of Christianity. I could see how she was trying to imply that only one religion could be “the truth” but I countered that by saying that it would be very arrogant for a religion to claim that it’s the spokesman for God and that it’s the only way to “the truth”.

    She then claimed that they don’t look down on other religions. Oh really, I thought! So I brought out how back in the 50s they were very much against the Catholics and said some pretty strong things about them. She defended that by using Jesus’ example of denouncing false religion. But… she then quietly made the comment that she personally doesn’t look down on other religions. Hmmmm….

    So I asked her – what if you studied the Bible and found the Bible said something that contradicted what your religion teaches? If you had prayed to God for help, and no matter what, the Scriptures obviously said something different to your religion? She then said she would go to the elders “in a humble manner” (her words) and talk to them. She said she had had doubts in the past, and that this is what she’d done. She stressed going to them in a humble manner. Ok….

    She then went on with the subject of 1975 and said she’d looked up what the Society had said, due to objections at the door. She admitted some of what they printed may had given individuals the idea that 1975 was the date for Armageddon. I said, “But who gave the individuals that idea?” She still tried to defend the Society when she mentioned the apology they gave. I didn’t let on that I knew what they’d said in the “apology”, as I had in the past printed off all the articles the Society had printed on the subject. Maybe in a later discussion I’ll mention it.

    Anyway, I brought up that in our previous discussion she had said that Judas had left the room before they passed the bread and wine. I asked, “Where do you get that idea?” I said there was nothing in the Bible to indicate that he’d left before that moment. She said it was a good question and that she’d do “research”. Later I thought, I should have said, why not just read the Bible account? So we left at that because she’d been there for a good 20 mins and she said she’d come back after doing her research.

    Oh, when we were talking about different religions I asked if she’d ever researched other religions. She admitted she’d been raised as a JW since she was a toddler and got baptised at 18. She said she had some publications from other religions such as the Book of Mormon, and that she’d read what other religions said in their publications which had been printed in the WT’s publications. She also mentioned the “Man’s Search for God” book (not by name but I knew what she was referring to) as also part of her study of other religions.

    The thing is, I can see myself in her. I was also a devoted believer of the WT’s teachings, and believed that I had “the Truth” sincerely in my heart. I can see she’s the same as how I was. I’m not sure where to take this discussion. I want to make her think, by asking questions that might make her think about things from a different point of view. It’s not my intent to destroy her faith, just to help remove those WT blinkers that prevent her from seeing the organisation for what it is.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You did well. I'm proud of you.

    Most of us scare them off at the first visit.

    Try not to let on that you have any more knowledge of Dubland than you already have. Stoopid is goood. Think Forest Gump.

    Ask a question with great sincerity and really want an answer. Remember that she 'knows' she is a teacher with a message to save your sorry arse from her killer god. Play the part of a serious learner with questions.

    Read the latest WT for Dummies to remind yourself of what warning signs she is looking for so that you can play the WT's game without breaking the rules.


  • smiddy

    Good for you BP

    I don`t know whether this can help or not ,just a suggestion: Way back in the 60`s or 70`s their was a year text and calender about the 3 hebrews in the book of daniel ch.3. who would not bow down, as this would be seen as an" act of worship". C.T Russell and his followers took note of the scripture in php.2:10 "in the name of jesus every knee should bend" as an indication jesus was to be worshipped ,which they did.Since then that idea has been disbanded by the borg. The scriptures have never changed these past 2 centuries ,however the watchtowers interpretations of scripture have changed numerous times in 130 odd years.


  • sizemik

    The thing is, I can see myself in her.

    I can see she’s the same as how I was.

    Your half way there on that score BP. Cast your mind back (if you can bear it) to those bad old days . . . it'll give you a good handle, and the right frame of mind I reckon.

    Maybe pick on the subject that tweeked her the most last time (if there was one). Then gently corner her on that. Sounds like your expecting her back . . . you could be in for some fun times here!

    Your doing this gal a monster favour . . . nice going

    PS; Hope this makes sense . . . had a few

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    I wish I had read this thread earlier. I really like your approach. They came to my door a couple weeks back for the same reason (memorial season) I told her "I was df'd 6 years ago and I have no intention of returning. Also, please don't send an elder back becuase I don't wish to discuss it with them. thank you for your time" sort of thing. I wish I had been more patient and thoughtful.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    nicely done

    one day they will come to my door (we moved to an area where i am unknown) and i hope to not blow it!

    old me used to tell them i was D/F and no, dont come back...


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I never da'd or got df'd so technically she can talk to me without getting into trouble. But I will have to be careful to not sound like a horrid apostate, lol!

    Thanks for your feedback (so far).

  • exwhyzee

    Don't you just feel sorry for that Sister ....standing there all alone presenting the teachings of a faceless organization...haven't we all been in that position before ? That of having been sent out to teach or defend something we haven't fully looked into from all angles for ourselves because we weren't supposed to question what we were taught.

    I'm glad you took it easy on her....these kind of discoveries can really rock your world, when you've grow up as a Witness.

  • sinis

    You really do not have to target a religion per se. Just focus on the foundations of Christianity, and ESPECIALLY the Bible - Church fathers, Eusebius, etal. and focus on the fact that they use a book that was compiled by the evil slave some 1700 year ago...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Re the "evil slave" - I've thought that if she ever shows me the scripture on the "faithful and discreet slave" then I will ask who the "evil slave" is. After all, if the faith and discreet slave is a real entity, then so should be the evil slave. And if she can't put her finger on who the evil slave is, then how can we be absolutely sure who/what the faithful slave is?

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