Two people live very similar lives. They were both raised as JWs, and both left. They lived relatively good lives, as most people do. One of them gets cancer, and the other one does not. Armageddon is brewing on the horizon. Ten minutes before the big A hits, the cancer finally kills one of them, and shortly afterward, the second one is killed in Armageddon.
In the new order, the one that died of cancer gets a resurrection, while the Armageddon victim does not. All for just 10 minutes of time and a disease. Does this sound like justice to you?
You are right. This doesn't make sense, but no problem because the Bible doesn't teach this. In fact it is totally ridiculous and non-Biblical. Pointers:
1. The Bible clearly shows that things people do in this life will be accountable. Further we have examples of those who lived good lives who are already written down in the book of life.
2. The context of Judgment Day, where the dead come back, both righteous and unrighteous are judged by their moral choices; that is, "books are opened" and they are judged out of the books. Clearly this is a reference to their past lives.
3. Further, the resurrection of the dead, which is Judgment Day, occurs after Satan is destroyed and thus after the millennium. Thus there is going to be no one resurrected during the millennium! But those who died at Armageddon will come back on Judgment Day for the final judgment. As I noted, it is clear many are already written in the book of life and others are already condemned to undergo the second death.
So in your scenario, if the two people were unworthy of the millennium, then both will come back on Judgment Day.
As a rule of thumb, based on Zech 13:8 where a remnant of the Jews, 1/3 come out of the Holocaust, if that is applied to the world of today, only 1/3 of today's population will be chosen to experience the full millennium. 1/3 of those who are found unworthy of the millennium but are not "bad people" will live into the millennium and die of old age. That will allow for a smoother transition for the huge population drop and for a new generation to help supplement.
The new kingdom headquarters will be out of Honolulu. The buildings were recently completed about 4-5 years ago. It's an ideal location and Honolulu is an ideal place for world kingdom headquarters since besides being so temperate, there is a concentration of lodging and meeting facilities already set up. Hawaii was my home for about 11 years.
Anyway, not to worry about yet another misguided concept the WTS has. They have to explain why the 2nd resurrection is totally out of chronological order, which they can't. Likely 2/3rds of the world population will get eternal life, much like 1/3 of the angels rejected God.
I think a lot of people think Armageddon will unleash God's powers over nature to devastate today's world, but in reality, to destroy governments it is only necessary to kill the people loyal to them. So more than likely it will be similar to what happened in Egypt where the firstborn just died one night. In that way, the survivors will have the bounty and spoils of the world, which are promised to them. Why inherit a world that looks like a post-nuclear desert? Great disasters are also hazardous for the righteous too, so it would be easier just to have the wicked get into the shower, then walk into their backyard in a daze then drop dead, making easy access for the birds to harvest them.
Further, with the huge population drop, it will take 7 years before new manufacturing will be needed. With the internet and television, the whole world can keep up with what the messiah is doing on a daily basis, like a reality show.
But no MEAT! I suppose, that if you were going to do something before the millennium would start that you think you might miss, enjoying meat might be one of those things; not that you can't fake a burger, but still...