What are your thoughts on marrying later in life?

by cult classic 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    My 2nd-time widowed FIL is remarrying this summer at the age of 73. His fiancee is a never-before-married woman in her mid-50s with one adult son. His children are pretty mad about the upcoming nuptials. They feel the woman is a gold digger. He's not rich (lol), but has a pension and social security so he's in pretty good shape financially.

    They are having a KH wedding with bridesmaids and groomsmen. A reception will follow. This is the first couple that I've personally known to marry later in life.

    Would you marry later in life? Do you know anyone who has? What was their motivation? How did it work out?

    If you have a minute, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

  • scary21

    Love doesn't have a age limit. They say married people live longer.

  • OnTheWayOut

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to marry for financial security. He knows there's some of that in her. He knows what he gets in return.

    Believe you me, he will be the JW man in the house, so he will get what he is "paying" for- if not in the bedroom (although he probably will) then in the kitchen.

    WIN WIN.

    Everyone has opinions. I decided not to ever voice one against what other people think is okay, as long as it is not illegal.

  • Finally-Free

    I always said if my first marriage didn't work I wouldn't try a second time. I've been alone now for the last 7+ years and I like it that way. The only time I regret being alone is if my back is spazzing out or if I'm really sick. It would be nice to have someone around to cook and clean at times like that, but it's not a good reason to get married again.


  • leavingwt

    Viagra is a helluva drug.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    In part their issues are emotional because he married within a year of their mother dying when they were very young. Also, his 2nd wife died late last summer.

    I agree that marrying for financial security is ok. And of course love is the ultimate reason. I hope it works out. I think I wouldn't want to be alone, especially later in life. My grandfather died when my dad was a kid and my grandmother never remarried. I always wished she had. I think it would have enriched her life to have some company. But she had us and hated being married anyway... lol. My other grandparents divorced in their 60s. My grandfather remarried then later separated in his 70s. But my grandmother never remarried and is still enjoying her time alone.

    I think I would remarry at 102 if I wanted company... lol

  • leavingwt

    In all seriousness, though, plenty of folks get married at this age. My neighbor got married at 80 years old, to a 70-year-old woman. They've been happily married for more than 10 years. (Both of their first mates had died.)

    At 73, he's earned the right to do whatever he wants to do. If he's financially secure, the kids won't have to finance his (perceived) mistakes, either.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    LWT - ROFL. I'm telling you. (post 1) , good point (post 2)

    FF - My husband says he'd never marry again. Not if his life depended on it... I always ask him "Is it that bad?" He says being married is unnatural. But he loves me so he'll tough it out... LOL. Gee Thanks.

    Actually I think it would nice if we lived most of our lives single then married later in life. Why get tied down when it's not really necessary. I know it's good for kids but the pressure to stay together for life gets taxing. Maybe doing it at the tail end of our lives would ease the pressure. LOL

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    scary21 - I think about the health benefits to him as well. Especially since all but one of his children/grandchildren live out of state. I keep telling them he doesn't want to sit around waiting for them to call or visit. And mind you this is a family that goes for a year or longer without speaking or seeing to each other for no real reason.

  • sabastious
    There's nothing wrong with wanting to marry for financial security.

    If my mother was thinking about doing just that I would attempt to talk her out of it unless she was truly financially destitute.



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