Terrible Weather ... :-(
by snowbird 112 Replies latest social current
charlie brown jr.
Robdar I'm so Sorry for what you and your Family are going thru....
My thoughts are with you.....
Continue to stay Strong Like you ALWAY do.....
I wish I could be there in person for you......
Some of my brother in law's family is still missing. We are starting to give up hope.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Robdar.
Truly sorry to hear this, Robdar. I'm at a loss for words...
cult classic
Robdar - you have my condolences.
aligot ripounsous
Robdar, please accept my sincere condolences for this terrible loss of your family members. Don't know what else to say, it's awful. My warmest thought are with you.
Robdar, I'm sorry to hear the bad news. Please accept condolences for those you lost, and prayers for those in the hospital.
Terra Incognita
Very sorry to hear about your loss, Robdar.
Thank you all for your concern. I love you all.
I will pass your condolences on to my brother in law, who is grief stricken.