God is sexist! Let's spread the word! THIS IS FOR YOU LADIES.

by whereami 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    Here you go ladies, a good Christian man. Every christian womans fantasy. You just better make sure you keep quiet. Seriously, everything that's wrong with religion is in this video. I'm glad he illustrated it for us so clearly.


  • Igot2bme

    What a bunch of misogynistic BS!!! That is one of the reasons that I am never go back to a bible based religion again, I got tired of being treated as if I were sub-human because of my gender.

  • PublishingCult

    I wouldn't mind a bit if every night, every woman who has ever been a victim of his cold brutal sexist mentality got to line up to kick him in the balls before bedtime.

  • cyberjesus

    I know what is my next religion! yeah!

  • watersprout


    Any man that has ever tried to ''Lord'' it over me has felt my toe up his bottom!

    This is why men love the bible, it gives them power over women... The fact that the bible was written by men explains it all... What these women need to do is get the bible and smack it over their domineering husbands heads. All of this is because of what the apostle Paul wrote. Christ never mentioned anything about ''headship''.

    I bet he gives his wife a slap!


  • SirNose586

    Interesting. I contacted their church to see why they filed a DMCA claim against askegg, the guy who made the first video. What you guys are seeing is a mirror.

    They got back to me, and told me that they were just looking to protect their online sermons. Their terms of use prohibits anyone using the footage without prior consent. They claimed they wanted to do it because people kept taking Schaap's sermons "out of context." So then I asked them to explain the discrepancy between Schaap's apparent nonconcern about being quoted or featured with the directive to shut down these unauthorized videos.

    They never got back to me.

  • the max
    the max

    You know I think he has a point !!! WE had an empire until women got the vote ha ha ha

  • freydo

    "For a woman there's only one thing worse than being thought of as a sex object."

    (hint - It's not being thought of as a sex object)

  • Heaven

    I guess Jack hasn't realized yet that you can justify any act of evil using the Bible.

  • GLTirebiter

    You don't have to be female to be offended by his classless act. Preacher man, before you pen another of those sermons, remember this: it isn't all about you! How much of that talk was about glorifying yourself? What happens to "He who exalts himself"? What "cometh before the fall?"

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