Kingdom Hall Funeral for a suicide, non baptised JW bible study?

by Aussie Oz 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I recieved the news today that an aquantance who was studying and attending meetings committed suicide today. He leaves behind a terminaly ill wife and teenage children.

    My best mate (non jw) who employs this man from time to time and was very fond of him is in total shock.

    He would like to know what possible funeral he may have and if he himself would be welcome to attend as a non JW.

    I have passed on the gist of what i found in the CD lib but would like to know any real world situations and how they have been handled by local JW's.


  • sizemik

    I will be suprised if the local BOE goes anywhere near it Oz

    I knew an elderly brother whose wife died from complications from diabetes (she was housebound for many years). Because she wasn't baptised he had to make his own arrangements. In the end I conducted a graveside service using the Soc outline (and all the Elders turned up).

    Soon after that my 17 year old B Student suicided just prior to baptism (his parents were JW's in another town) and they wouldn't go near that either. They don't like the association with suicide.

    But if it is a JW funeral, your friend will be welcome. I just doubt that will happen.

    Hope this helps.

    PS This is yet another very tragic story!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Yes, very tragic.

    Another case of the snake oil from the WT not being the solution to all of lifes troubles. The references from the old watchtowers demonstrate the phobia they have that if the public gets wind of a suicide funeral at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, that it will reflect badly on the religion.

    and in fact, it does. Ironically, among my friends, if the jWs did conduct this poor mans funeral at the kingdom hall, it would be a 'good witness' as they like to say.

    they should be ashamed, every last one of the heartless cold drones.


  • transhuman68

    That's bad news, Oz. It's not a very helpful religion for people with real problems.

  • sizemik

    Yeah . . . and if you ain't already got "real problems" (like this poor guy) . . . they'll soon fix you up with a set.

    My heart bleeds for this guy's family . . . do you know if they were taking "the ride" with him Oz?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Yes, i beleive they were all taking the ride on the crazy train.


  • sizemik

    Oh hell . . . now their gonna get all that "will he get a ressurrection . . . or not? " bullshit.

    One set of "real problems" soon to be delivered . . . well used but still in good order

  • blondie

    I have seen funeral talks for a df'd jw suicide but not in a KH.

    I have seen funeral talks for a nonjw suicide but not in a KH and with a clarification f rom the platform that it was a conscience matter whether to attend. His family were jws and had mucho money and status though and it was a few years ago.

    The BOE makes the decision as to what they do; so it varies from congregation to congregation.


    The fact he was n ot baptized they probably wouldnt do it at KH

    the fact it was a suicide - they probbaly wouldnt touch it with a barge pole

    I saw in the elders handbook it says NOT to eulogize the deceased but to witness instead.

    better for all if it's NOT at the KH... his wife is terminally ill (obviously facing her own departure) so a JW funeral is deinfately NOT the kind of message the family needs right now - it'd just do their heads in.,

  • sinis

    One was done locally here in a similar fashion, unbaptised, suicide. Elders performed it at the local KH...

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