Is life a black comedy?

by Joey Jo-Jo 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    During the normal working day routine something occured to me that has been in the back of my mind for some time.

    During bible times, scriptures dont appear to have a sense of humour, I believe its because life was (and his) serious, they were very dependent on what they made and ate, life must have been tuff, no diswashers, no cars, no gas or electricity etc.

    Fast forward to today, we work for the rest of our lifes but confort standards have increased, we have a huge selection of foods and entertainment, we go home to spend time with our loved ones, watch tv not realising in our own little way we have been condition to think during these years, that we dont think about tommorrow-death, we can suffer from some disease, the animals we eat suffered for our pleasure of eating meat, still in our time people die from starvation, natural disasters, crimes and war.. reality bites, dont know who said that but its very true.

    And while my dad prays before dinner for God to help all brothers, "brothers" suffer, die, and others still die of starvation. If I was ever going to reconcile the bible with reality, the same question that turned Bart Ehrman into an agnostic "why does god permit suffering" the most logical conclusion (and while faulty)I can come up with is that god is impartial, as it says it rains on both the good and the bad. Since the bible is faulty I could go one step further and say by what I see around, that while the creation of life (plants, animals etc) are intelligent, what or who ever created us either forgot about us or does not us to know, or does not want us to understand at this time.

    When watching the royal wedding, watching the priests and royalty, I wonder how much blood and sacrifice went into all that gold and monarchy wealth. Reading into ancienty history one thing that stands out is human nature, indeed visions are short sighted by kings that in the name of God conquered nations only for those nations later on to claim independence, when humans have power they do really stupid things and continue to, our economy system (economy, most misleading word in all language vocabularies) is not benefitting everyone (it could).

    You can see where I am going with this, I dont want it to drag on but being an ex jw, we can still see people living a lie in many cults and while out we have the freedom, there are still human aspects that in-slave us like nationalism, this economic system that needs a global revolution, and while that wont solve all is still a big joke.

  • sizemik

    I see where your going JJJ . . . but I have no idea what the "destination" is in the wider sense . . . perhaps the current inhabitants lack the motivation for benevolent revolution because they know they won't be here to enjoy it. The prospect of death is very limiting for most . . . we often only see things in terms of a human lifespan. Hence the powerful desire for meaning through religion . . . but even that has a primarily selfish motive . . . to escape death.

    We need the answer to be given to us . . . it cannot be found among mortals . . . but nobody outside of mortals is telling. The same dilemma that has plagued mankind throughout his existence remains . . . we are no further ahead in that respect IMO.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I see your point. And agree to a certain degree. Monarchy.....just another TV show to me. ......hang on, just gotta watch the seriously, where do you go for spiritual fulfillment.

    I mean, if you are an evolutionist, how do you explain that stage show?

  • jaguarbass

    tried to make some sense of it all.

    but I can see it makes no sense at all.

    Clowns to the left of me

    jokers to the right.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    stuck in the middle again

  • EntirelyPossible

    They had a sense of humor back then, it was much more dark, but they had it.

    Try reading some Kurt Vonnegut novels sometime if you want a dark sense of humour.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Of course people would have had a sense of humour. Maybe just their writers had very little.....too smart for their own good maybe.

  • MrFreeze

    Life of Brian said it best. "Lifes a piece of shit, when you look at it".

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Re: Is life a black comedy?

    Considering what's happening with Obama, it's definitely a black comedy.

  • snowbird

    Hair-raising: Tycoon and celebrity entrepreneur Donald Trump is said to have a knack with the masses.

    White comedy, too!



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