He (The trump) is the one that brought the issue of the birth certificate back up.
He needs to sit his rich ass down! And worry about taping his stale reality show.
Why doesnt worry about that damn comb over he's been having since the 1970's?
by OUTLAW 178 Replies latest social current
He (The trump) is the one that brought the issue of the birth certificate back up.
He needs to sit his rich ass down! And worry about taping his stale reality show.
Why doesnt worry about that damn comb over he's been having since the 1970's?
As I've said before, Trump's body is lifeless. It is a corpse controlled and used by his wig. His wig is actually an alien creature from Andromeda. Therefore it's racist against all of humanity.
All criticism of Obama is racist.
You cannot criticize Obama without being a racist - even if you are black.
Absolutely untrue. But the majority of criticism is over spurious nonsense, not legitimate concerns. Unlike GWB.
LOL @ Terra.
Hey there Joliet,
your steppin' on sacred ground when you talk about his "Comb Over "
you might get away with talkin' about his mom, but not the comb over
Rosie still payin' for that
Absolutely untrue. But the majority of criticism is over spurious nonsense, not legitimate concerns. Unlike GWB.
I was exaggerating to make a point. My point was that Obama supporters are far too comfortable playing the race card on practically any issue of criticism that comes up about him.
I have many points of difference with Obama, and I can assure you that race has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
I am equally sure that people like Janine Garofalo would loudly call me a racist because I differe with Obama politically.
LOL...I know. Thats his heart.
Trump doesn't have to be a "racist" to use racism as a political tool, as it has been successfully used by conservative candidates for decades. There's even a name for it - The Southern Strategy.
It's quite effective - it got vicious racists like George Wallace (who said, "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!") and Strom Thurmond ( who said, "I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigger race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches") elected time and again.
It would seem that arguments about or against Obama's governance and his policies are not necessarily motivated by racism, but arguments attempting to delegitimize his presidency likely are motivated by racism or the appeal to the racist mindset. And that is what Trump (and other right-wing politicians) is doing and will keep doing in the tradition of conservative politics, as long as it resonates with that backward segment of the population that is eaten up by the fact that a black man is their president.
It's kind of like George Wallace vowing never to be "out-niggered" again.*
I honestly do not believe that Wallace was a racist, but that he felt the need to act as such in order to appeal to the populace of that time period.
Vox populi, vox Dei.
* Said after he was defeated in the 1958 Alabama gubernatorial race
Strom Thurmond ( who said, "I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigger race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches")