by whereami 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whereami

    I'd like to hear what believing christians have to say about this. Especially Catholics.

    Thank you and enjoy:

    Director Oren Jacoby's intriguing documentary examines the history of anti-Semitism in the Catholic Church (as exposed in James Carroll's controversial book Constantine's Sword) and the link between the U.S. military and the Christian right. From Constantine's reign in the fourth century to today's evangelical base at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., Jacoby's film offers a provocative look at the roots of holy war.

    This is also available on Netflix for those who have it, with the quality being much better. If not, the ones below found on Youtube should suffice. Looking forward to everyones take on it. Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part 7

  • PSacramento

    No offence but I think Constantine gets way more press that he deserves.

  • whereami

    Have you seen this PSac?

  • PSacramento

    I was speaking historically, watching now...

  • whereami

    Ah ok. Hope you like it. I think you will.

  • whereami

    I guess you didn't like it PSac?

  • PSacramento

    Hey, not finished seeing it, sorry...LOL !
    I am at work and I don't go on here on the weekend, so the fact that I am even watching it shoudl tell you something ;)

  • PSacramento

    Funny thing though, and speaking only from myself of course, I never understood the issues with "the jews" since, even with my rudimentary knowledge of the bible, the "jews" referred to where the ruling class, what I would later know to be called the Sanhedrin ( governing body ;) ).

    I remember, as a kid, asking the priest, "wasn't Jesus a Jew"? and the priest said yes, a very dedicated one.

    So I asked why the Jews killed him, and his reply was that it was the Jewish leaders, not the people, because they were afraid of what Jesus represented.

    I must have been in grade 7 and that view never left me.

  • PSacramento

    I find the view in regards to Constantine a tad oversimplified.

    There are a few books out there and they all have their views and I have NOT read them all so...

    But the ones that I have read, both that voice what the video voices and others that counter it, they both hold an element of truth to them.

    Constantine converted ( probably because of his mother) and his much publicized vision aside, the reason probably was because he was a way to unify Rome under a religion that, he tought, could be controlled since it was, at core, submissive to superiours and non-violent and to whic he could exert some infulence that was wide ranging.

    He did invlove himself, albeit reluctant, with the Donaticims and the Thrinity issue, though there seems to be some sway to the notion that he would have like the Arians to have won the vote in Nicea, but that isa matter of opinion.

    Christianity had NO POWER up until Constantine and with him it go power and infulence beyond belief andwe know what that means...absolute power and all that jazz.

    Christianity became inbroiled in violence and wars as would anyother offical religion of Rome, it is truly that simple.

    Was that wrong? YES, 100%, just as it is TODAY.

    It goes against every single teaching of Jesus, the most important of which was his commandment to LOVE and PRAY for our enemies.

    Putting "God Bless the USA" on a bomb is a direct slap in the face of Jesus and God.

  • whereami

    So I take it that you liked it.

    I agree with your points bud.

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