Religion vs. The Gospel

by Chalam 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chalam

    Hello JWNers,

    The JW I chatted with recently directed me to Matthew 24 with regards to the Witnesses and highlighted Matthew 24:14

    I asked him what "this gospel" is. The only answer I got was "I'm not sure what you mean".

    Anyhow, I did a search and some reading around the word "gospel" in the bible and then took a look at Google and found this

    I thought the religion vs. the Gospel list would be of interest here :)

    The Gospel

    “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures . . .” - 1 Corinthians 15:1–4

    What is the Gospel? The word gospel simply means “good news.” The central message of the Bible is the gospel, or good news, about the person and work of Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 , Paul provides the most succinct summary of the gospel: the man Jesus is also God, or Christ, and died on a cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sins; three days later He rose to conquer sin and death and give the gift of salvation to all who believe in Him alone for eternal life.

    The great reformer Martin Luther rightly said that, as sinners, we are prone to pursue a relationship with God in one of two ways. The first is religion/spirituality and the second is the gospel. The two are antithetical in every way.

    Religion says that if we obey God He will love us. The gospel says that it is because God has loved us through Jesus that we can obey.

    Religion says that the world is filled with good people and bad people. The gospel says that the world is filled with bad people who are either repentant or unrepentant.

    Religion says that you should trust in what you do as a good moral person. The gospel says that you should trust in the perfectly sinless life of Jesus because He alone is the only good and truly moral person who will ever live.

    The goal of religion is to get from God such things as health, wealth, insight, power, and control. The goal of the gospel is not the gifts God gives, but rather God as the gift given to us by grace.

    Religion is about what I have to do. The gospel is about what I get to do. Religion sees hardship in life as punishment from God. The gospel sees hardship in life as sanctifying affliction that reminds us of Jesus’ sufferings and is used by God in love to make us more like Jesus. Religion is about me. The gospel is about Jesus.

    Religion leads to an uncertainty about my standing before God because I never know if I have done enough to please God. The gospel leads to a certainty about my standing before God because of the finished work of Jesus on my behalf on the cross.

    Religion ends in either pride (because I think I am better than other people) or despair (because I continually fall short of God’s commands). The gospel ends in humble and confident joy because of the power of Jesus at work for me, in me, through me, and sometimes in spite of me.

    Blessings in Christ,


  • GLTirebiter

    Words of wisdom!

  • snowbird


    Thank you, Stephen.


  • LV101

    YES! love this --- keep talking to JW's and posting!

    appreciate and thanks.

  • transhuman68

    You are right Stephen..."Religion is a snare and a racket"... Oh wait... it was Rutherford who said that.


    My bad.

  • designs


    Nearly everything about the 'Paul' character in the NT is contrived on a faulty premise.. Once you step into 'Paul's' trap its a good several years to unwind it through education (Jewish) and investigation- read Maimonides and the other Rabbis who exposed Pauline theology for what it is.

  • Vanderhoven7

    I think the OP bears repeating. Do vs done .

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for reviving this Thread van my boy. I think the O.P is spot on.

    I had an e-mail exchange with Stephen, Chalam, some years ago, he came over to me as a thoroughly nice guy, a real thinker, and a sincere Christian, sincere in that he practiced Christianity, not just believed, he "did".

    I hope he is well.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Though Chalam (Stephen) wrote that "In 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 , Paul provides the most succinct summary of the gospel: the man Jesus is also God, or Christ ...", 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 makes no claim at all of Jesus being God, nor does it claim that Christ is God.

  • Phizzy

    Dis. J.W You make an excellent point, and one which just shows I should have read the O.P with the care and attention you did !

    Stephen/Chalam is wrong to claim that Paul asserts anywhere in his genuine writings, that Jesus is God in a trinitarian sense.

    Paul's view of Jesus is that he was pre-existent in heaven, and that God (the father) raised him from the dead. Quite where Paul stood on the extent of the Divinity of J.C. is not clear, but certainly there is not one hint in his writings of even a nascent trinitarian view, as far as I can see.

    What was plain was that the Gospel he preached was that if you became "one in Christ" not only Sin from Adam was cancelled, but the power of Sin in your life now. This message obviously appealed, hence the fast spreading flame of Christian belief after Paul's ministry.

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