The latest wt dated march 15,2002(just got today)
entitledGood leadership -where can we find it?
Pg 15under subtitle "be obedient.....Be submissive"
10 Our leader has given the congregations "gifts
in men"-some as evangelizers, some as sheperds and teachers."
(eph. 4:8,11,12) Our attitute and actions toward them speak
volumes as to whether we accept Christ leadership. It is only right that we 'show ourselves thankful' for the spiritually qualified men that christ has given.(col. 3:15) They also desearve our respect.
"let the older men who preside in a fine way be reckoned worthy of
double honor," wrote the apostle paul.(1 tim 5:17) How can we display
our graditute and esteem for the older men-elders,or overseers-in
the congregation? Paul answers:"be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive."(heb. 13:17) Yes, we are to
obey them and be submissive,to yeild, to them.
11 Our leader is perfect. The men he has given as gifts
are not. So they may err at times. Yet, it is vital that we
remain loyal to christ's arrangment.In fact,living up to our
dedication and baptism means that we recognize the legitimacy of
spirit-appointed authority in the congregation and willingly
submit to it.Our baptism 'in the name of the holy spirit' is
a public declaration that we recognize the holy spirit
and acknowledge the role it plays in jehovahs purposes.
(matt. 28:19) Such a baptism implies that we cooperate with the
spirit and do nothing to hinder its operation among christ's
followers. Since the holy spirit plays a vital role in the
recommendation and appointment of elders, can we really
be faithful to our dedection if we fail to cooperate with the
elder arrangement in the congregation.
p.s. theres more but i cant type, and my fingers are tired.