The TWO BABYLONS to the NGO fiasco: looking at how they got there

by Terry 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wobble

    Well spotted Ann, so they have stopped using that bare-faced lie now, but it will have gone into the sub-conscious of the longterm JW,as will the WT pointing out that the trial judge was later exposed for unlawful behaviour, not that those facts are in fact relevant to Rutherford and Co's trial.

    It is interesting methodology, tell a bare-faced lie to the rank and file for long enough, until you are forced to drop it, and the average JW still believes it !

    For a religion that titles itself the "Truth" they do not seem to have a grasp of what Truth really is, or what irony is

  • Terry

    You draw attention to the baldface lie in the 2000WT that they proclaimed BtheG as fallen in 1919, that lie is cleverly written so they could wriggle out of it, but another one in the same article that they have repeated a number of times is that Rutherford and Co were "completely exonerated".

    It is my understanding that they were not, the trial was declared invalid because of procedural errors, and as the War was over it was decided the expense of a retrial was not worth it. That is far from any exoneration. They could have been re-tried, and if found guilty faced some pretty awful sentences.

    Yes, we must remember that O.J. was found "not guilty" in his first trial but that certainly did not exonerate him.

  • palmtree67

    Yes, my grandparents had that book and they told me they ordered it through the congregation's literature desk. My grandfather used it occasionally in service and quoted from it often. I flipped through the pages of it when I was visiting them and large parts of it had been underlined by my grandfather.

  • Terry

    I once watched a tv interview program where a historian was talking about the pitfalls of quoting references.

    In effect, he said there is a real danger in not thoroughly checking sources and quotes.


    He found, in one instance, where a researcher had miscopied information/attributions about a prominent historical person only to have it

    recopied again and again as each new book simply TRANSMITTED THE SAME ERROR as fact by trusting "all those previous researchers" who

    were themselves slavishly letting the guy behind them do all the grunt work!

    The Watchtower Society has made a virtue out of snipping up historical quotations into bite-sized chunks and shuffling them, leaving out parts and rearranging the order of them to create OUT OF THIN AIR a structure of support for fallacious reasoning.

  • Quendi


  • Terry
    Terry Watchtower official is reported to have said: "As long as what lies between the quotation marks is accurate it isn't a lie."

  • Leolaia
    How many of you remember reading/using this book regularly?

    I purchased my copy in the kingdom hall. I read it thoroughly when I was 16.

    One of these days I want to do a thread looking at some examples in detail, and how Hislop influenced the Watchtower Society, maybe one day.

  • wobble

    We sure could have some fun with a thread based on that premise, "as long as what lies between the quotes....." using WT printed material, couldn't we ?

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    The WTS has often cited reference works of dubious accuracy, in order to "support" their doctrines.

    Another work the WTS turned to early in its existence was Benjamin Wilson's Emphatic Diaglott:

    - Its translation of certain words in the Koine Greek language was much to C.T. Russell's liking!

    However, informed scholars generally gave it a bad review.

    Also, Russell was much entranced with the pseudo-science of Pyramidolgy. While the WTS may or not have directly quoted from Professor Charles Smyth's The Great Pyramid - Its Secrets and Mysteries Revealed, Smyth's ideas influenced WTS doctrine up until 1927.


  • Terry

    What was the name of that Bible the Society used for reference/quote mining which had used a spirit medium channeling a demon?

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