Can I tell another?
I met a very beautiful woman in my hometown and we hung out for a bit. At one point her younger brother was visiting from their home city and I met him once, very briefly. On that same journey to India (as above) I was stuck in Delhi. It was 50 degrees Celsius, just before the monsoon. I was too tight to pay for air con, so was sweltering under a fan in my room. As happens in India, the power failed. It was impossible to sleep, so I walked out into street and it was literally cheek to jowl. A great image of hell. I managed to find a bar with air con and bought a beer, drinking as slow as was possible, just to cool down. I finally left and it was like walking into a dream. The crowd parted for an elephant to pass, yes he/she had a mamoot. Then a cart with oxen squeezed through. There were "holy" cattle wandering about eating garbage and then out of the human tide comes an arm and some one yelling my name. At first I ignored them. You learn to do that in India. He persisted, so I squeezed through and yes, it was that woman's brother...