How did that MYSTERIOUS transition from Russell to Rutherford happen?

by Terry 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    Thanks again Terry for another enlightening post. The info about the comments MacMillan made very much interest me. He was a close friend of my grandparents, and I now feel that the reason they stuck with Rutherford in the big schism was because of that friendship. His comments are very telling IMO.

  • thetrueone

    The man was the classical example of the power lusting narcissist and once he took over this organization it was doomed to become an authoritarian cult.

    Totally agree with that and I'll add that he was quite a power playing opportunist, who most likely assumed he had the legal moxie over the other ones

    chosen by Russell to accomplish this personal take over.

    He was going to be the divine messenger now, with all of the attaching adulation, attention, power and control of all of the subjective

    R & F underlings at his feet.

  • Terry

    I can't remember the source now, I'll need help on this, but there was some talk, murmurrings or perhaps "proof" that Russell

    may have been poisoned because he was investigating and inspecting some mines which were either an investment of the Society or

    an asset which Russell believed to be suspicious.

    Anybody know anything specific?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    In the transcript of rutherfords trial where he is being questioned about his being a director

    Q. on that day you removed four directors? A. I never removed them, because they were not legally there.

    The Court: They were physically there? The witness: They were not pysically there because they refused to attend....

    Q. when were you elected a director? A. January 1917

    Q, When were you elected before that time? A. I had been elected by the members of the board, but not legally elected.

    Q. I am not asking legally or illegally. A. I have been on the board since 1910 or 1911.

    I am a little unsure of the time line tonight, but could it be possible that at the time of Russells death in 1916 Rutherford had no legal entitlement to directorship just like the 4 he threw out? His being not legally placed till 1917?


  • Terry

    I sent you a PM Aussie!

  • Bangalore

    Great essay,Terry.


  • OnTheWayOut

    The history is important to the likes of me in seeing that it was legal manuevering that kept the death stroke of Watchtower from happening. Without the lawyers and last wills, I bet the establishment of "Christianity" or "The Way" was just as fascinating and had more power plays involved.

    A "future" history of power plays in the Watchtower will probably include another one or two (or several more). Rutherford usurped power to get a couple of Cadillacs and mansions and a following. It'll happen again, especially as Watchtower is on the decline in size and money.

  • TotallyADD

    I so remember when the WT talked about their history of this matter they always demonized the board of directors for trying to take over. And always made rutherford the champion of jehovah. Rutherford was truly a socialpath. Totally ADD

  • designs

    Rutherford's illegal takeover was a major cause of the Bible Students splitting from the Wt.. The Dawn, Chicago Bible Students and other Bible Student group speak out on this issue quite vividly. By the time of Russell's death many within the Bible Students movement were fed up with Russell as well because it was his way or the highway and he had the money. My mother, she left the Wt. in 1928, spoke with Woodsworth of the Frank and Ernest Radio program about the controversies of that time and just how confusing it all was for everyone.

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