During the decades in which I was a jw, so many times I heard comments about how the wtbts is the ONLY organization that God is directing here on earth today. In fac there was a popular story in the late 70's about how the US Army once came to a district assembly to observe, and learn how to better organize large groups of people.( I remember the speaker commenting on how many attendee's thought the tribulation was starting because the Army was there. .)
Well, since leaving the jw religion I have seen firsthand how other organizaions operate, and without a doubt I think the wt is pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to a focused, efficient organization.
This past Wednesday I flew to Washington DC as a guardian for Honor Flight, these people fly veterans from WW-2 out to Washington to spend the day.
The direction, focus to detail, and efficiency was just awesome, here are some of my pictures .