Prisca's advice above is only practical for most if they CUT VIRTUALLY ALL DEALINGS WITH ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE WATCHTOWER (pro- OR anti-) RIGHT OUT OF THEIR LIVES.
Damage limitation. The WT speciality.
So follow the Prisca Class, and you do the Watchtower's bidding.
So, who is controlling who, eh?
Sure, I know our boisterous Net work does not do much at all to convert existing braindead dubs. Sad, but as I often say, they are uneconomical to educate.
But what we do is SUPREMELY EFFECTIVE at warning off newcomers, as WT growth rates and Internet penetration rates are STRONGLY negatively correlated by country!
For the WT does not solicit knowledgeable, dedicated enemies - ex-Cult members and others hurt directly by the Watchtower - they know the whore too well, and know how to catch her in her Spiritual Fornication.
I am past the anger stage.
Well, good for you, then. Bro. Henschel is very happy. There's an article soon coming in "Awake!" on anger management. Probably it will incorporate your advice.
And they are not all "victims of victims" in the WT, as you imply. Stop being so gullible! There is an enormous Wolf Class, fully aware that the whole thing is a fraud. But it serves their wicked, power-loving purposes...
The Allied soldiers who were wiping out Hitler were being, to an extent, controlled by Hitler. His actions influenced their actions. So what?
Opposing evil and channeling the anger is EXACTLY WHAT THE WATCHTOWER DOES NOT WISH YOU TO DO!
The counter-argument (cutting it right off before it gets raised) that by even caring about what the Watchtower does or does not want you to do, you are letting yourself be controlled by the Watchtower should be treated with the same contempt as would the Allied soldiers...
For we know that the WT far prefers you to be, say, spending your time and frittering away your anti-WT knowledge chatting with the Prisca Class about who "stole" her picture which she voluntarily emailed out to lots of people and her amazingly naive horror that it later appeared on a animal-rights website for a few moments...
Don't let the WTS control you!
("Godly Hate"?? Class)