"Quit posting b*llsh*t, Villa. These off the wall websites that parody and hype inuendo with absolutely no verifiable links aren't fooling anybody. I don't know what kind of hyped-up on Gawd knows what games you are playing, but Simon needs to be aware of your antics."
Journey; I don't know what your problem is but all I did was to post an article from the Atlas Shrugs website by Pam Geller. This nutjob has actually been interviewed in the Fox's lair previously on the Birther issue (She claims the certificate was photshopped).
I also fail to understand your statement about having no verifiable links since that is exactly the problem with people like Pam Geller and her Fokxian/Limbaughian/Beckian/Tea Partiers and their ilk.
So you can go ahead and cry to the moderators simply because I'm posting on topic articles showing how assinine these people are. You sure don't complain when NeckBeard posts images condoning political assasinations.