The endtime era is inseperable to the International Bible Students who began it all with the revival of the true christian religion .
How to pull them into these scenario using this phenomanal date code for the Flood of Noah : 2372 BC ?
72 - 23 = 49 years and we got :
1935 AD - 1939 AD - 1942 AD .. 49 years ... 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD .
49 years breaks into two important periods that are linked to the name of God and " 7 times ".
God's name looks like four sevens in the Hebrew language which is 28 .
7000 years = 7 times 1000 years = " 7 times " + 1000 years . "7 times " here is 6000 years = 6 days each 1000 years .
1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21 . " 7 times " can mean 21 .
49 years break into 28 years + 21 years .
1935 AD - 21 years = 1914 AD . 1942 AD - 28 years = 1914 AD .
The International Bible Students are pulled in into the endtime scenario as the first true christian religion of our endtimes by the date 1914 AD.
It's an awe-inspiring scenario and can be called dramatic too as we are approaching this May 21,2011 AD and Harold Camping is in clear opposition to Jehovah's Witnesses and would also be to the International Bible Students and to me as well . He is my best opponent to handle with .