Think about it. If the Hebrew word rendered "Day" has multiple meanings, why was the most accurate translation of the word not used? Why doesn't it say "eons" in the NWT? If God really meant to say "eons," why didn't he make sure it said "eons" instead of days. Dear JHVH: You confuse us! Please use better word choice if you want your message delivered to the ends of the Earth with ACCURACY. Thank You, Lord through Jesus's name. The fact that God wouldn't correct this problem before we realized the Earth and everything on it couldn't have come about in 7 days, makes me wonder as to how much God must really care about people translating his word accurately. Oh, and this is the first page of the first book of the Bible. You know, they screw up on the first page already. Either God isn't using them as his channel as they clearly suck at translating God's thoughts ACCURATELY...or God must not particularly care about how confused he makes people who read the NWT like it's the most accurate translation. Thoughts?
So if God didn't mean a literal day when he said "Day," doesn't that mean the NWT isn't the most accurate translation?
by Pika_Chu 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Terra Incognita
Pika; The original word which does mean day is not what counts. What counts is whether or not that word is interpreted literally or symbolically. There are plenty of words and phrases in the Bible that are taken symbolically but that doesn't mean that they have a translation problem.
Trying to make sense of the Bible's creation account is sorta like trying to make sense of how Santa Claus actually gets down your chimney on xmas night or how the Easter Bunny actually lays chocolate eggs.
Who knows how long a day is in God's mind? Time is more of a human thing as we cannot grasp the concept of being 'out of time'. We cannot understand the concept of not having a beginning.
Like that line from the last Matrix 'everything that has a beginning Neo, has an end'
There is no such thing with God.
To discredit the 'accuracy' of the NWT, you need only to open your KIT [interliniar] and compare Col 1;16-17, John 8;58, Heb 1;6, Math 26;26, Mark 14;22, Luke 22;19, etc, etc.
The point that I'm making is that ........
Undercover uncovered the absolutely easiest way to look at this.
Another: The much more primative scientific understanding of the MEN who wrote the Bible shows through in their creation MYTH.
Further, original writings of any part of the Bible are unavailable and heavy editing came with the men who finally said it was "God's Word."
NWT is heavily laced with doctrinal support, but no Bible translation is very very accurate. Even if it were accurate, so what? It would be an accurate translation of MEN's words of a MYTH.
Trying to make sense of the Bible's creation account is sorta like trying to make sense of how Santa Claus actually gets down your chimney on xmas night or how the Easter Bunny actually lays chocolate eggs.
ROFLMAO - Thank You UC - THANK YOU!!!!
Black Sheep
Show us an article where the Watchtower uses 'aeons' to describe the length of a creative day.
As far as I know, they only use it to describe the period when the earth was 'formless and waste', which is not one of the creative days.
There are times I sometimes feel that the attack to the NWT by the so-called "objectors" to JW are strange. especially the NWT inaccurate in this case?
Is it inferior as compared with other translations?Although if we say it as pastime, it may be OK, but such play never helps active JWs.
They become still more obstinate, and begin to think that the Governing Body is right.
And that is a fearful thing for the relatives who want to save them from that cult.possible
Black sheep - its in a recent magazine where they said a creative day could be eons.
However, there is NO evidence that whoever penned the original beginning of Genesis meant anything other than a literal day starting and ending with morning and evening.
The first chapter already shows and ignorance of the universe, as the sun and moon and stars are placed under the expanse, between earth and the waters above. They are merely luminaries of the day and night, and nothing is explicitly stated that the sun causes day and night.
Since the Bible cocks up on its very first page, why would anybody today trust it?
Children in Grade school know more about the universe and the world of nature and geology than all the bible writers put together.
The WTBTS merely explains away these problems by reinterpreting in the light of later knowledge. There is no proof that the bible actually means what they say.
Black Sheep
Black sheep - its in a recent magazine where they said a creative day could be eons.
That is what I have been told.
I went hunting for it.
I found what sounded like the article they were quoting, a recent study WT, and it did not say that.
I don't believe such an article exists.
That is why I asked to be shown an article.