how would you interpret this wt cover?
by therevealer 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, the guy isn't carrying the standard JW book bag, together with the sideburns, suggesting he's "worldly", the old man doesn't look happy, like he wasted his life... all of which means his life had no meaning, since he didn't spend it peddling WT rags.....
The evolution of a Jehovah Witness!
Evolution of Life....Get ALREADY over the fact that we and ALL other living organisms have a cycle - from birth to death.
It's pretty simple, once you grasp this and accept it as it is, you start to ENJOY your present life and not wasting it with stupid crap like the WT. You have basically won the greatest lottery of all the biological lottery of LIFE! You have one shot to make it happen and worthwhile. So stop looking for a life in some mystic place....
jean-luc picard
Reminds me a bit of the Beatles.
....well, just a little bit.
if I was trying to make the point that he had a happy fulfilled life as a JW then I would have made him smile more!!
Mr. Falcon
The evolution of a Norman Rockwell character?
as completely utterly stupid and ridiculous.... apparently they are depicting someone born in the 1920-30's....child, youngster, early "career", betterment, old ager. but no...because that bike looks very 50's ish, and the younger kid is dressed like the 30's. So someone doesn't have his/her generations right...................hahahahha surprise surprise.............................
All these individuals are from the same overlapping generation?
All these individuals are from the same overlapping generation?
DING DING DING! We have a winner!
you can actually see the overlapping, LOL...
Now... is this a real WT cover or a parody?