I am thinking about working part time outdoors to earn extra money. By the way, I already have a full time job. I am just thinking about doing something different this time. :)
Can you list some outdoor jobs for me to consider?
by Iamallcool 20 Replies latest jw friends
If you have the nose for it gardening is easy.
Window washing supports many a pioneer...
Perhaps if you GOOGLE outdoors jobs or something similar, you might be able to come up with a wide variety of jobs yourself.
Shirley, there are literally MILLIONS varieties of outdoor jobs. I am not going to look at ALL of the so MANY kinds of outdoor jobs thru Google.
Nathan Natas
The highway department sometimes needs people to pick up road kill and injured animals. - Dexter 3:16
Lumberjack. They have lower rates of bladder cancer 'cause they pee on trees whenever they want.
Landscaping, if you can find a job not taken by an illegal.
Curb painting (home address numbers). You can make
up to 120.00 to $300.00 A day..All you need is stencils,
plastic numbers and reflective paint. Check with your
city to see what,s the law, because you will be painting
on city property..Good money can be made.. Need visible
address for the fire and police dept.