I am looking for Gileade notes and information from and about Gilead school and for pdfs of these two books Unbroken Will - Leopold Engleitner pdf and max liebster crucible of terror.
Did anyone sneak out their Gilead school binders instead of shredding them?
by average joe 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
what? they have to shred their books? really?
Why not just buy the Engleitner and Liebster books?
Band on the Run
I thought this was a Jehovah's Witness site. Somehow I must have entered the CIA's internal forums. I thought I would get used to the actual stories of the cult behavior. New craziness always pours forth.
carla, yes they shredded the books, ask awakened at gilead.
Nothing surprises me, guess Awakened talked about that once, I had forgotten it.
Interesting personal experience about a Gilead member:
Mad Sweeney
Current Amazone price: $14.99
Used prices: $79.99 hardcover, $49.00 paperback.
I am going to venture to guess that the Gilead "Binders" were kept for re-use by the next class, and that only the pages containing the instructional material itself were shredded.
Why Gilead wants to keep the course material "from getting out" I have no idea.
One would think they would make the syllabus freely available for all to see.
Or is this an example of Watchtower "Elitism" (special training) at work?