Is there any good ones?
Searching for non bias news and information sources.
by Joliette 24 Replies latest jw friends
non bias news? is there such a thing? Maybe you need to use many different sources and then filter through all the different biases.
I thought that PBS and the NPR (National Public Radio) was pretty non biased. What about wikipedia (I know a lot of people hate wikipedia) but thats how I first found out that the watchtower was crap.
Fox News would be first on my list. They are "fair and balanced."
For early morning, try Fox and Friends.
For the evening, listen to O'Reilly and Hannity.
You will be surprised how fair and balanced they are.
Rub a Dub
Fox News would be first on my list. They are "fair and balanced."
For early morning, try Fox and Friends.
For the evening, listen to O'Reilly and Hannity.
You will be surprised how fair and balanced they are.
Rub a Dub
I am not in the least trying to start a flame war, but I have to ask: Is this for real or is this satire?
In the end to each their own. I made a vow to NOT go to any news sites or watch any TV news until summer is over, after these Canadian elections were over. All the doom and gloom and left and right leaning spin in addition to all the filtered down shite corporate "news" has broken me and I refuse to devote any more time to negativity.
I toggle between three news outlets on TV. CNN is pretty good for plain coverage. However, when it comes to commentary you can't escape bias
on MSNBC and FOX. The way issues are framed are radically different.
What is necessary, in my opinion, is to listen to the BBC radio broadcast as night. It is amazing how completely DIFFERENT the BBC's world view is compared to the USA parochial views.
I also regularly toggle between sites that are very biased to get an idea of the strength of BIAS dogging current affairs.
Rabidly Liberal sites such as the HUFFINGTON post are sneeringly biased. Rabidly right sites like THEBLAZE are ideologically anti-liberal/anti-Obama.
The DRUDGE report is excellent for breaking news. It also has over 200 links to various commentators own websites.
Bottom line? The worst mistake anybody can make in evaluating the news is to find ONE SOURCE that appeals to your own bias and prejudice and presuppositions without finding opposite views that keep your perspective alive.
Remain skeptical! Nobody is objective.
FACTS are distorted by adjectives and the framing of an issue instantly reveals bias.
I start with morning Joe on MSNBC while MSNBC swings to the far and middle left in the evenings the morning show is hosted by a very conservative host who's an ex congressman and co hosted by a liberal. Their guests are a mix of progressives and conservatives. The show can be annoying (the host doesn't know when to shut up a problem on both sides of the spectrum) at times but its informative. I jump over to CNN as well but it is bland in comparison.
I also tend to fact check anything that sounds a little 'off'.
After that I go on line and look over the New York Times, Wall St Journal, and Washington Post. I just skim the news and don't get into it deeply unless it's a subject I'm interested in. Look over the opt Ed pieces...same approach.
I never go to Fox they as they are untrustworthy, not their news but their commentators. Nor do I listen to far right talk show hosts like Rush or Beck etc. neither will accept phone calls from people on the left so they are never challenged. Without healthy debate you have a harder time getting to the truth. Truth just occured to me that without debate the WT has been free to lie to it's followers since it's inception.
NPR does a good job during the day but they don't get into confrontational subjects.
I stay away from progressives in the evening though if I am going to watch one it would be the Rachael Maddow show. She's up front about her beliefs but tends to be fair. She's also ready to come back on the air the next night and apologize if her 'facts' were wrong.
Oddly enough Jon Stewart does an excellent job of handling the absurb aspects of politics. And finally I look over the poltical threads on this forward since one can find all kinds of opinions etc. If the tone was more civil I'ld participate more.
Happy searching.
Imho, non-biased news is an oxymoron.
Deputy Dog
There in no such thing as non bias news. Just as there is no such thing as anon bias news watcher/listener/cosumer.