I was told that, if I listened to "bad" songs, it would stumble others. Like new studies that are supposed to be free to go through my record collection at home--many of the records had their back ends worn out (even though the record itself was still in good condition). To know what I had, one would need to know how I arranged my records or actually go looking closely through them--and, a new study doing that would just as easily be looking for something to pilfer next time. Still, they made it a case where, if I had those records, it would stumble others.
They also made a case where I had a suit that the witlesses themselves gave me, that had a lotus design on the buttons. The witlesses made the case where that Lotus was a Babylonic design and I needed to remove the buttons and put plain ones in their places. Then why the fxxx didn't they do that before giving me the damn suit coat (which was in otherwise used-up condition)? They also claimed that the place I was working for was owned by some church (not being specific about which one), so I would have to quit and pio-sneer. They wanted to bring that up to the hounders, but they could not verify which church owned the place (in fact, the whole thing was a lie).
Yet, they would not accept my being stumbled about songs 27 and 61 in the old (1984) songbook. Both were singing as if the singer was Jehovah, and I thought of that as blasphemous to be using such songs in worship. No one accepted that. Yet, they wanted me to get rid of entertainment music because it might stumble a new study that is going to go through my records.