What's the most dumbest/petty thing you've heard of someone being "stumbled" over?

by Reality79 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • C6H12O6
    Brothers were counseled for wearing colored shirts.

    I've seen this happen at a district convention where my car group was nitpicking over a brother (that they never even met) wearing a lime green shirt. They were saying the shirt was too "loud" and would be inappropriate for job interviews.

    I remember being told to avoid watching movies that are rated R in other countries.

    However, the absolute dumbest thing I've heard of someone being "stumbled" over is ... choosing to get a college / university education.

  • scooterspank

    I was at a friend's house (pioneer, very devout little sister). The CO was over for dinner (such an honor, her family was so proud). I came down the stairs first, said hello sat down at the table. She came down a moment later, happened to trip on the rug in the living room. A week later I was called into the back because she claimed I must have done something to the rug to make her trip to look bad in front of the CO because I was jealous and envy is a sin.

  • WTWizard

    I was told that, if I listened to "bad" songs, it would stumble others. Like new studies that are supposed to be free to go through my record collection at home--many of the records had their back ends worn out (even though the record itself was still in good condition). To know what I had, one would need to know how I arranged my records or actually go looking closely through them--and, a new study doing that would just as easily be looking for something to pilfer next time. Still, they made it a case where, if I had those records, it would stumble others.

    They also made a case where I had a suit that the witlesses themselves gave me, that had a lotus design on the buttons. The witlesses made the case where that Lotus was a Babylonic design and I needed to remove the buttons and put plain ones in their places. Then why the fxxx didn't they do that before giving me the damn suit coat (which was in otherwise used-up condition)? They also claimed that the place I was working for was owned by some church (not being specific about which one), so I would have to quit and pio-sneer. They wanted to bring that up to the hounders, but they could not verify which church owned the place (in fact, the whole thing was a lie).

    Yet, they would not accept my being stumbled about songs 27 and 61 in the old (1984) songbook. Both were singing as if the singer was Jehovah, and I thought of that as blasphemous to be using such songs in worship. No one accepted that. Yet, they wanted me to get rid of entertainment music because it might stumble a new study that is going to go through my records.

  • WTWizard

    As for now, I wonder how many are going to be "stumbling others" when all they do is get a couple of rounds of investment silver. With the dollar doing what it has been recently and silver being irrationally panic-sold, I bet that all those buying it now are going to be hounded about stumbling others. As with the new records, they will claim that any new studies are going to be stumbled if someone has investment silver in their closet.

    Like they are going to invite new studies, who might pilfer things, go through their closets to look for that ounce of silver (that they might steal).

  • tracylee

    Scooterspank wins.

  • Botzwana

    I have so many....

    The dumbest one was I bought a car. 4 door etc. Perfect field service car but since Atlanta had hosted the Olympics in 96 the license plate had an american flag on it. Yup...Got counseled by an Elder that I should change the license plate.

  • ambersun

    One that sticks in my mind is when I was pioneering back in the late '60s/ early 70s. I was earning a pittance doing a part time cleaning job to help pay my way at home, and barely had enough money to buy myself a new pair of tights each week.

    One day while out in field service I told another pioneer that I had the princely sum of £2 in my savings account for emergencies. I expectected her to laugh but instead she looked at me shocked. She really told me off and questioned my faith because if I believed that armageddon was coming any minute, I should not have a savings account.

  • watersprout

    Ambersun. Oh my goodness i am still in shock at what you wrote! That is beyond ridiculous.

    Some bro/sis went to my parents when i was a child for being too ''happy''. I was stumbling ones as i raced to get in the KH. I just wanted to see my friends...

    My sister when she was 13 had a dress on that touched the top of her knees. My parents were dragged in the back and counselled for letting their daughter wear inappropriate clothing. My mom wishes now she had pressed charges on pedo behaviour. She was 13 for Gods sake!


  • ambersun

    lol at watersprout 's comments I had similar experiences!! Not long after we became JWs when I was in my early teens, I got in trouble for being too bubbly and chatty. I was like it with everyone, but because some of the brothers enjoyed my company I was made to feel I was 'leading them on'. I quickly learned there was no such thing as a platonic friendship between the sexes in mid 20th Century JW congregations as sisters were beneath brothers and should not laugh and joke with them as friends unless they were looking for a marriage partner.

    I was always being reprimanded for wearing skirts that showed my knees at a time when practically every non JW teenage girl in the Western world was wearing mini skirts that were hardly bigger than belts! I felt dowdy enough as it was and would rather put up with the disapproval and dirty looks than make myself look even more old fashioned and wierd. Oh, those were the days.

  • watersprout

    Yeah i remember the ''no such thing as a platonic relationship''... There was a bro who became a really good friend of mine, i had no interest in him and vice versa. Anyway he ended up seeing my sister and how the gossips loved that! Lol.

    Anothere time this bro told me that he had loved me for years. I was a little freaked to say the least. I lied to him and said i was interested in another bro. Then a week later he said he had been asking around and had found out that i was interested in a MS, who even fully grown was a foot shorter than me! It was news to me! I stood there open mouth and said ''no, it's definately not him, you don't even now him, nobody does''. [Well that was true, he didn't exist] He called me a liar and stropped off! I was baffled!

    Some of those dubbies were peculiar folk!


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