Bill Underwood is a Phoenix Signs of the Times Examiner staff writer and a JW as well. His editorials always toe the WT party line, heres the latest on education:
JW editorial on how education does you no good...
by PYRAMIDSCHEME 25 Replies latest jw friends
Well as usaul my link doesnt work... can someone help?
There we go...persistence always pays off...just like education.
Thank you bizzybee!
To make a link work you paste it, then highlight it, then click on the "chain" icon (beside the picture icon), then paste the link again in the URL field, then press ok.
Multi level marketing? Thats gotta be some of the worst advice on a career ever. Oh now I get it, that tool is in the mother of all MLM religions of course. Except you don't get paid until Jehovah resurrects your ass and gives you your own private petting zoo.
MLM..can you believe he's saying dont go to college but go get get yourself a good pyramid scheme? (pun intended). What a freakin crackpot!
That guys a moron. He essentially states "School is hard and expensive, and I've even heard that some people with degrees still don't have jobs! Why not be a janitor instead?" Great reasoning.
College can be expensive but it's been proven time and again that for most people it is worth it. You have to get a degree you can use and try to limit your costs. Go to community college first and then transfer. Apply for every scholarship and grant you can. Be willing to go to your local state school instead of a private university. Buy your books used or buy less expensive digital editions. My company starts people with an associates at around 45k and people with a bachelors at around 65k. Even factoring in student loan payments you are far better off getting even just an associates than working at some barely above minimum wage job right out of high school.
Real estate is a hard business. Now is a good time to get into it to see if you can actually earn money during bad times. If you can do well now you can do well when times are better. A lot of people got their licenses during the housing boom because it was easy money. Most are out now because they see just how difficult it can be to make even a moderate wage. I'm not a fan of averages as outliers can skew the results. I'd rather see the median real estate agent wage. I'd bet it is quite a bit lower than 75k a year.
The construction industry has been hit hard. I know first hand as my dad owns a cabinet shop. He has always been frugal and hated debt so he has been able to stay afloat using his own personal savings. His crew went from 30 to two in the past five years. Business has started to pick back up and I think he's got six employees now. If he had debt like many business do he wouldn't have made it. My uncle is head of the training department of a plumber's union and my mom's boyfriend owns an A/C shop. He has let almost all of his employees go. There are still a lot of construction workers that are unemployed.
Getting licensed is good if you have the entreprenurial spirit. A lot of people don't have the drive to give up their nights and weekends to really get a business going. He mentions his friend in waste water treatment. The city I'm in has similar positions but they are nearly impossible to get. They are public sector and attrition is low. Taking expensive classes to get a certificate and hoping that you will be the one applicant out of thousands that apply is not the best plan for the future. Having something else you do full time and then if you get the position changing careers is okay.
Most writers don't make squat. Just like most actors and most artists.
Multi-level marketing? Really? For every one person that makes a million dollars from it there are hundreds if not thousands that don't make squat.
Cleaning businesses are great when the economy is booming and people have disposable income. In other times most people will save the money and clean themselves. It's not a bad business to work at to supplement your income.