When I first began a "bible study" with the Witnesses, I heard them rave about their meetings. The impression that I was given was that the mere attendance of such a meeting at the Kingdom Hall was a truly mind-altering experience.
After going to the Kingdom Hall for the first time, I just thought that I had somehow missed a point somewhere - and that underneath it all, there was still indeed a mind altering experience to be had! I even kept up this pretence through all the years that I was most active as a JW:
- but, no, the reality was that the meetings at the Kingdom Hall were never at all in any way special.
- and that is the good news!
What has deeply disturbed me to this day is the way in which I followed the "counsel" of the WTS / FDS etc. etc. etc to bring my children to all the meetings;
- no matter how much the subject under discussion was way beyond their level of comprehension.
- irrespective of the fact that sitting for two hours of such mind numbing boredom is a challenge for an adult, and can only be torture for a small child.
- disciplining the children when the inevitable happened and they got bored and made a disturbance. (I now feel particularly bad about having done that on all too many occassions).
Those posters who have labelled this as child abuse are very correct, and it is this more than most else that I now resent the WTS for.