About to go thru with it. I've noticed my husband (w/the backing of the Brothers) trying his BEST to 'catch me' or imply inproper dealings or what whatever with the opposite sex. We had a big blow up where it resulted in his being terribly cursed out and demeaned (by me, of course and I hate doing that but it is the ONLY way to keep him at bey). I hate when he tries to incriminate me when it comes to a simple acquaintance or phone call. He so stupid, he doesn't understand that I see right thru his games. I'm tired. So, what I've noticed on several different occassions is he'll try this passive-aggressive behavior of incrimination. I see it to use the so-called grounds of 'spiritual endagerment'.
How does this work? I know in man's law, it means absolutely nothing. I just don't want to give this stupid organization the satifaction.