Has she considered joining the Theocratic Ministry School, Syl? You mentioned that she's excelled in language arts, but that cant compare to the pure language found amongst those that remain within Jehovah's organization. (Zeph 3:9) She may be doing well in Geography, but perhaps you can assist her geographical outlook with some spiritual landscaping via the publication See The Good Land. Jehovah is the Great Geographer! It's nice that she's physically active, but warn her of the dangers of physical training overwhelming the time that could be spent in spiritual pursuits such as personal study, field service, meditation, and prayer. Physical training is beneficial for little.-1 Tim 4:8
Syl while it may be true that our ancestors would be proud of the advancements made by their descendents, I'm sure that we can all agree that no achievement by African-Americans is a great as this man here. He's my inspiration.