Trinity booklet PDF

by 86theWT 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jhine

    I have a copy given to me by a JW . I do know for a fact that the same JW used that booklet in one of her study sessions with someone else only a few months ago . She mentioned it a study that she has with a friend of mine when I was present . WE live in a small village in middle England ( isn't that new fangled electricity wonderful ) so it seems that the JWs here are not aware of the" obliterate it from history " campaign .

    I have pointed out at length how this booklet is WRONG , but they did show me the new booklet which basically trashes the early church fathers held up as shining examples in the first edition ! Despite this as I said the local JWs are using that first booklet at least up to a few months ago .

  • fiat lux 001
    fiat lux 001

    Hi Jhine...

    What you say is really interesting...
    In the only version of the SYBIIT booklet I've ever seen, the WT basically portrays the writing of the early church fathers as *SUPPORTING* WT doctrine...

    If the WT is now putting out a new edition in which they *'TRASH'* the writings of the early church father\s... that's a rather interesting development!

    Is there any chance you could post some 'scans' or a PDF of the UK version you have?

  • jhine

    fiat , sorry I do not have a copy of the new booklet , local JW's do not seem to use it so much . What happened was I had gone on at some length about the mis- information in the (what I found out later was the ) old booklet . They trotted out the usual stuff about people not being perfect and mistakes are made etc . I kept saying that these were not mistakes but deliberate twisting of what was written by , well basically everyone quoted ! I kept suggesting that they read the original works of the early church fathers to see for themselves as the booklet holds them up as shining examples that could not be wrong . This is I believe what led to Randall Watters leaving the org , he did what I was suggesting for them to do, read the original works precisely because of the recommendation in the booklet of these men . Of course he realised how the facts had been twisted , told others at Bethel and this led to a lot of questioning and at least him leaving . I thought that I would be clever and use their own publications to get them to examine the facts . It seems, however , that the org learned the lesson and produced a second booklet basically saying that , yes the early Church Fathers did believe in the Trinity but what notice should we take of them because "clearly " they must be wrong cus they disagreed with the org !!

    IN an attempt to shut me up one of my Witness friends found out her new book to show me that they couldn't read the original writings because these Church Fathers weren't to be trusted ??? This does not stop them from using the first book to turn studies from the Trinitarian view . Are you following this "logic " . Can't read what they wrote cus they can't be trusted , but can use what they "wrote "as proof of the infalibillity of the org .

    I can't remember the exact date of publication of the new book but it was a few years ago , my guess would be that it was after the scandal at Bethel , trying to do damage limitation . I will try to get another look , but can't say when . If I can come up with anymore info I will post it .

  • ExposeJW2013

    Hi guys,

    After more than two weeks of searching finally I was able to find a website where you can download "Should you believe in Trinity".,619373891.pdf

    Hi Snarky Apologist, the picture on your web site is very much appreciated and also the video encourages me to look for a copy. Finally have done it.


  • slimboyfat

    New edition of the trinity brochure, is this true?

  • Jeffro

    The brochure Should you Believe in the Trinity? is included on all versions of the Watchtower Library on CD-ROM.

  • ExposeJW2013

    It is the same magazine that Watchtower removed on their web page "Should you believe in the Trinity?"though the web page is foreign, the content is in English. I already have my copy. Other JW magazines are in foreign but who knows that their hiding.


  • jhine

    slim , I assume that you are asking about my post . I am starting to think that I imagined this cus I saw the JW lady who I believe showed me this the other day and asked her about it and she couldn't remember showing me it . However I can remember holding in my hands two booklets and pointing out to her the different attitude to the Early Church Fathers in each booklet .One was saying to view them with respect , that was when their "quotes " were being used to back up JW theology and the other more or less saying well they did not know what they were talking about and weren't very important anyway .

    I have asked her to look for the other mysterious booklet and she says thet she will try . This came about after I pointed out very forcefully that the "quotes from the ECFs were totally twisted and not true and said that I would happily stand in the middle of the road and shout "This booklet tells lies " without any fear of comeback because as soon as someone looked into my allegations I would be proved right . I said that the ECFs totally supported the theology of at least the divinity of Christ and some even talk about Trinity .

    I am sure that the next week she bought this other booklet to the study to show me that maybe Tertullian and co did support Trinity teaching but the Watchtower had discredited them so their ideas were worth diddly squat .

    I am working on solving the mystery , please be patient as soon as I find anything out I will post .

  • Chariklo

    The brainwashing in the Trinity booklet is powerful stuff. There are ex-JW's who determinedly cling on to the Watchtower's rubbishing of the Trinity while asserting their rejection of other WT teachings.

    They do it even while maintaining belief in their own brand of Christianity, resulting in a rather bizarre hybrid mix.

  • joe134cd

    As far as I am aware (and I have only stopped going a few months ago) there has never been any revised or completely new addition to the "should you believe in the trinity" brochure.

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