demons and dreams (sexual )
by jam 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
charlie brown jr.
I've had some pretty ruff Nightmares in and out...
I don't believe in Demons anymore but a few weeks ago I had the most realistic dream involving someone close to me saying they practiced Demonolgy...
I laughed but they transformed into a terrible Demon that most Movie Special Effect People would have been Jealous...
I calmed this person down saying hey look it's me relax....
I awoke in Drenched in sweat ...shaking... and like a 5 yr old terrified something from under the bed was going to grab my leg...
Nightmares can be very realistic and those Sexual dreams when they Seem Real......well Hell they're the Best LOL
When I was still a witness, I occasionally had bouts of sleep paralysis that scared the bejeesus out of me. When you go into the REM phase of sleep your body becomes paralyzed so it doesn't act out the things going on in your head. But sometimes a person will wake up in the middle of their dream before their body catches up, leaving them concious but paralyzed. This feels like an invisible force is just pushing you down really hard on the bed, and is often accompanied by shortness of breath. To an impressionable witness youth this feels alot like a demon attack, which I had thought it might have been. It only happened a couple of times and this included my late teens when I started having doubts about what I had been taught, but was still in a state of cognitive dissonance, so that it felt like I must be losing my mind, because obviously the witnesses couldn't be wrong. Under those circumstances sleep paralysis was very scary. But education removes the demons from a demon haunted world and I learned that what I experienced was just a normal phenomenon that lots of people experience at some point in their life.
charlie brown jr.
Thanks for the paralyzed info...many times I wake up from a nightmare and CAN'T move I always thought it was a fear thing..
Never blamed it on the Demons just thought it was because the Dream was so intense.
As a matter of fact the Nightmare I posted about I couldn't move and I was trying to call out to my wife and couldn't I was awake...but a few seconds I awoke her (again feeling 5yrs old) just so she could tell me's ok it's a dream LOL