what intelligent all knowing being would place a man's vulnerable testicles on the OUTSIDE of his body, completely unprotected? And THEN place a billion nerve endings there?! I don't know if we were created or evolved, but I do know that if we were created, God is an a-hole who laughs everytime a poor chap is punched in the junk.
That's kinda funny lol... But, when looking at it from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense. The testicles need to be kept cooler than the rest of the body in order to keep sperm production up (heat kills the poor buggers). The Y sperm are more vulnerable than the X sperm (that's right...in the nuts, women are stronger lol), but too much heat will kill off huge numbers of both. This is why when a couple is trying to have a baby, men are told to switch to boxers (briefs keep the testicles close to the body, increasing their heat and decreasing sperm) and to stay out of hot tubs. Testicles are actually pretty amazing...when they're too cold, they pull up closer to the body to warm up, too hot and they relax away from the body to cool off. Keeps the swimmers at an even temperature (kinda like a hen rotating her eggs so they cook evenly lol). In an evolutionary sense, this "design" is perfect. Looking at it from a creationist standpoint, it's just plain stupid that an all-powerful god couldn't come up with a better freakin' plan.