I received a memorial invitation last month from my son. I just put it in the waste basket. The picture of Jesus was facing up. I thought something was wrong. Now I don't believe the wt publishes hidden pictures in their literature. This Jesus picture has something in his lap if you turn the picture side ways. The hands are all wrong. The adam's apple is not that. I showed this to my Catholic sister and therapist who saw the same thing. I did'nt prompt them. There are snakes in his hair and clothes too. This looks like the god pan. I think it is very evil. Anyone else see this?
I like to sue the Wt. art department
by tradewinds 59 Replies latest jw friends
Mad Sweeney
Could you post a pic?
I'm looking at it and I just don't see what you're talking about.
My invitation was taken by my therapist. There is a picture on you tube- a special invitation! April 17, 2011 or Jehovah's witness memorial- april 17, 2011. The picture has to be bigger like the invite. Use a magnifying glass. If you turn Jesus side ways (the side where he has his hand up) you will see a male organ sticking up in his lap. People not jw's see this right away.
No Room For George
I showed this to my Catholic sister and therapist who saw the same thing.
My invitation was taken by my therapist.
Not seeing it.
Thanks CoCo, I've been looking for that.
tradewinds, it's just a normal picture- drawn very badly! Don't stress about it.
b.t.w. Welcome to JWN.
I see what you're talking about as far as what is in his lap and his adam's apple. I don't see the snakes, however. Can't say whether this is intentional or not. Watchtower pictures are kind of like clouds.
jean-luc picard
tradewinds, your not on the GB by any chance?
They see all kinds of things in what others would view as inocent:
tv programs
computor games
etc etc.
Thanks for the link CC. but I see nothing "subliminal".