Hey, 4wedbride....if I may..
-I was not offended that Celeste didn't enter my church for her religious beliefs, but after reading some posts I see that she could've come in, but not participate in the christian part. She had told us that she was afraid of judgement from stricter JW viewing the show that since the whole service wouldn't be shown she didn't want to appear as if she was joining in the service.
That's just it, its a conscience matter. This is left up to individual JWs to decide whether or not they can step foot inside of a church for weddings, or funerals. JWs are a religion that strongly emphasizes uniformity, although they'll often mask it as world wide unity. There is very little room or tolerance from any deviation of Watchtower policy. With subjects such as the theme of this thread become a question that a practicing JW has to ponder upon, they have to take into consideration the feelings of their fellow JWs. (1 Cor 10:32) The post that I mentioned about a friend of mine not inviting me to her wedding was the result of her being exposed to the views expressed by more conservative JWs when it comes to entering a church. She never considered that it might not bother me to step foot into a church, but then again JWs more open minded such as myself are typically forced to keep their views to themselves for fear of getting marked, and ostracised.
You might ask why JWs have these views towards churches and followers of other faiths. Let me be very blunt and candid to you regarding this subject. The WT teaches that we are deep within the conclusion of this system of things. (Matt 24; 2 Tim 3) The WT also teaches JWs that the "faithful & discreet slave" spoken of by Jesus at Matt 24:45 applies strictly to the WT's leadership, and that salvation beyond this system of things depends on individuals being actively involved in supporting Jesus only true followers making up that faithful and discreet slave. With that being said, ALL other religions are considered part of false religion and condemned to everlasting destruction. The WT teaches JWs that all other Christian denominations make up Christendom which is major part of Babylon the Great, and destined to be turned on by the Wild Beast which represents human goverments.(Rev 18)
There's a lot more, I mean a lot more, but what I typed pretty much sums it up. To put it in a couple sentences, JWs believe the Great Tribulation and Armageddon, is right around the corner, and that they need to prove to Jehovah and Jesus that they're True Christians associated with Christ's brethren the annointed Watchtower leadership, as opposed to counterfeit Christians that make up all who are involved with other denominations who by their teachings and practices dishonor God and Christ. That being said, many hardline JWs will refuse to step foot inside a church. Churches are considered havens of filthy practices and dispicable teachings. (Rev 18:2) Not all JWs share these beliefs towards nonJWs, and I believe the WT recognizes this which is why they leave the decision up to individual JWs when it comes to going to a wedding or funeral in a church. However because of the emphasis of uniformity which the WT incorrectly describes as unity, more open-minded JWs are often pressured to take the hardline approach.