2nd attempt - Big AHA moment for me !

by Lozhasleft 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    WontLeave posted this on another thread:

    Jesus is truth and when an organization tells you they're "truth", they're calling Christ a liar unless they are an exact representation of him.

    Wow !!!! Of course...how could I have never noted this??? The scripture says ' I am the way and the TRUTH and the life...'

    Simply on the basis that the WTBS call themselves the TRUTH is enough to denounce their validity.

    Amazing ephiphany moment for me. Strange it would happen for me today too.

    Loz x

  • awaken2004

    I get your point but doesn't the WT teach that they really shouldn't use the term "the truth"? I could be wrong but I don't think they use that term in their publications.

  • Lozhasleft

    Whatever they teach via the publications its heard constantly throughout every avenue of the WTBS...I cant believe I didnt see the irony of this before.

    Loz x

  • cantleave

    That is simplicity itself

  • scary21


  • Sayswho

    I never thought of it in that light. Makes sence!

    Almost daily I still hear people I work with call it the "truth" so the word must not be out or no one really listens.

    Reminds me of backcalls versus return visits. It took me years to stop saying backcalls.


  • wasblind

    " I get your point but doesn't the WT teach that they really shouldn't use the term "the truth"? "

    Hello Awaken,

    in all the time I associated with the JW's they always refered to this religion as the "truth"

    they would refer to people being in or out of the "truth"

    I agree with Loz, when Jesus states he is the way, the truth and the life, he means only him

    Jesus didn't flip flop, but the WTS's truth does back flips topped off with a flop

  • WontLeave

    I did a word search on the CD-ROM for "in the truth". Some were Jesus talking about Satan not remaining "in the truth" and some could be claimed to be referring to Bible truth. These are specifically and obviously talking about the JW organization and just from the last 2 years:

    In many of our congregations, there is a high percentage of sisters, at times up to 70 percent. Most of them are new in the truth - w4/15/2009 p22
    Only when I got to know Jehovah better and developed a personal relationship with him did I really become involved in the truth. - w9/15/2009 p4
    Almost all of Brother Martínez’ family who are in the truth - w9/15/2009 p32
    I felt as if something inside of me died. I thought my friend was firmly grounded in the truth - w10/15/2009 p20
    Think back on your years in the truth. - w6/15/2008 p24
    It’s like coming in the truth all over again. - w3/15/2008 p20
    Even though I was raised in the truth - w5/15/2008 p15
    Our parents raised us in a way that made being in the truth enjoyable - w8/1/2008 (the only use in a "public" WT where "in the truth" is used specifically to refer to the JW organization)

    I'm sure there are many, many more examples if one was to search for "the truth", but there were so many hits it would take forever to go through them all to look for examples of pounding the drum that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society or Jehovah's Witnesses is "the truth". If you've read 1984, you understand how controlling language controls thought. The "pure language" of Jehovah's Witnesses is just cult propaganda to cause the rank and file to brainwash each other and themselves.

  • wasblind

    Thank you Won't leave

    there is no organization whatsoever mentioned by Jesus

    as being the way, the truth ,and the life

  • Lozhasleft

    Thanks for that info WontLeave and so many thanks for bringing it to light .... I think its astounding in its simplicity.

    Loz x

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