The Great Day of Jehovah - the War to End All Wars

by sabastious 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    For most of my life I was taught that everything we experience in our lives is a build up to the Great Day of Jehovah: Armageddon. I was informed, regularly, that this war would be when Jehovah finally gets his vengeance from his advasary the Devil. As Jehovah's Witnesses were were taught that war is the solution, so long as the kingdom set up afterwards is eternally prosperous. As a kid I always wondered: what assurance do I have that another question won't be raised after this one?

    Doesn't this "war to end all wars" concept sound familar? Is that argument not what every dictator and tyrant in human history begins with? That was what was said about World War I and World War II. I remember reading Watchtower articles as a kid that mocked the people of history that called those wars "the war to end all wars."

    But in reality that is just what the Bible promises through the Watchtower doctrine. War will solve our problems with the right commander. Of course the only spirit creatures we have knowledge that he created are already causing serious rebellion and require war.

    War will never solve our problems permanently. War's only purpose is to clean the slate and figure out what went wrong the begin with. When this planet finally finds peace it will not be directly after a war and it surely will not be because of some utopian government, but that's what the Watchtower is eagerly anticipating... more of the same.


  • ProdigalSon

    Jehovah is the god who doesn't even know that he's not top dog. His great day is never coming simply because he doesn't call the shots.

    By the way, good to see you Sab!

  • Morbidzbaby

    Great observation! I, too, always wondered "What if another question of sovereignty is raised? All the new babies born who grow up will not even KNOW about the "Old System of Things", it will all just be what happens if one of the angels rebels? Or one of the 144,000? They are reported to rebel or "fall away" when they are in the flesh as humans, so what of when they are in heaven? What if that happens? Then what? Is the world pitched back into the darkness it came from? Do all of us "perfect" humans have to go through it all again? Then I realized it was all horse shit anyway lol

  • sabastious
    By the way, good to see you Sab!

    Thank you ProdigalSon! I appreciate the sentiment.


  • sabastious
    Great observation! I, too, always wondered "What if another question of sovereignty is raised? All the new babies born who grow up will not even KNOW about the "Old System of Things", it will all just be what happens if one of the angels rebels? Or one of the 144,000? They are reported to rebel or "fall away" when they are in the flesh as humans, so what of when they are in heaven? What if that happens? Then what? Is the world pitched back into the darkness it came from? Do all of us "perfect" humans have to go through it all again? Then I realized it was all horse shit anyway lol

    If someone in the new world, Angel or Human, brought up a legimate challenge to God once again we'd all be right back on the detour.


  • glenster

    It's a faith in an end to the conflicts of various human gov'ts and religions,
    etc., with the prerogative of a higher being than people ensuring that swords
    turns to plowshares, etc. It's a nice hope, and partly a hope because of the
    reasons to doubt it being accomplished on interpersonal terms, which aren't the
    same terms. Unfortunately, some of those that get 'centric and intolerant are
    the ones who go on the aggression with guns.

    Maybe a little off topic, but it reminds me of the end of Religulous. Bill
    Maher made some good points in a James Randi way about some Popoff types but
    ended with an editorial about Armageddon. First he gave it as if about humans
    warring against humans, then proposed what amounts to an atheist Armageddon: the
    world would be better if we just get rid of the people different than me, and he
    didn't seem to realize how ironic he was being. He wanted to diminish the in-
    terpersonal problems of the world but recommended the sort of terms that have
    caused most of them.

    That IS the outlook that's caused the most harm in human history--people being
    'centric about belief, non-belief, race, nationality, etc., not those distinc-
    tions per se. It's the Hitler idea of harmony--we'll have harmony if we just
    get rid of everybody different than me.

    Being 'centric is another form of common human selfishness, which is unfortun-
    ately all too appropriately named. About any time people perceive they're in a
    group, some start rationalizing "We're the good ones and others are crazy or
    stupid and cause all the troubles in the world." Then the walls of alienation
    go up, people distrust and even hate the ones on the other side, and that's when
    the jets start flying into buildings, Mao starts sending people around with
    little red books, and people are thrown from slave ships like they were just
    chattel because the food supple got low, etc.

    I had a sociology teacher once tell our class that someone once divided a room
    in half, and some on one side got that way about the ones on the other side of
    the room--that's how stupid it is. It doesn't have a name of a group, you just
    have to know it.

  • thetrueone

    In ancient times wars were started pinning civilization against another civilization with the intension to show whose god was the strongest

    or the mightiest and was being selectively chosen by these gods as the blessed.

    It brought strength and adulation to conquer another civilization that didn't particularly worship their own gods or god.

    The many stories written in the bible about the strength and power of ancient Judean god Yahweh are spread out continuously,

    the great flood of Noah just being one example. To the individuals who proclaimed that their god has given them direction and blessing

    to conquer another civilization ( unbelieving infidels ), if they were successful in their action, they would return with great amount of adulation

    and uplift in their own procuring personal stature.

    Thousands of years later on we have religious organizations (JWS) that are proclaiming death

    to people who do not worship their god in their own self devised way. This displacement of fear has offered select men a good portion of power

    and control over people who've they have convinced of their own Divine spiritual and authoritative connection with Yahweh.

    Its amazing what ignorance and fear can do for men if they have a preconceived knowledge of what their actions will created toward themselves.

    Many times in the series of public talks by the WTS., the mention of the doors of the Ark are about to be closed and all mankind that doesn't join their

    organization will suffer a horrible horrendous death by the hand of Yahweh, the parables are obvious. The fear mongering that keeps

    people subserviently enslaved to the WTS. sustains this Kingdom of Yahweh and the men who say they are his blessed chosen ones.

  • thetrueone

    Religion is a game of power, control and money, whats unique about this game is that you can make and create it yourself

    to your own tastes and personal desires, there are no set rules to its creation or ending development.

  • thetrueone

    Just to refresh people what the WTS has done in their postulating fear mongering and the semblance

    of power and control that was obtained by these devious men.

  • JonathanH

    It's an irony lost on many, that the supremely wise and infinitely loving creator of all things only seems to ever have one plan to solve problems. And it's the same plan pretty much every earthly dictator has ever had. Kill everyone that disagrees with you, or that you don't feel is worshipping you hard enough. Infinite wisdom and his plan is always "hulk smash".

    You want to show that you have a chosen people in the midst of heathens that don't worship you? How to go about showing that you have given your blessing and guidance as the loving father of infinite wisdom of mankind to a group of people? Maybe have them terraform the desert through advanced agricultural methods and hard work, turning a harsh ecosystem into one flourishing with an abundance of food greater than even the lush neighboring lands? Teach them advanced mathematics, and logic systems to better understand and explain your magnificent creation? Show them the incredible benefits of penecillin, and other naturally obtainable medicines that no other nation knows about, which will drastically reduce mortality rates and suffering of your people? Make it so they develop culturally, and scientifically at a rate so exponentially greater than their neighbors that every citizen of every neighboring country wants to leave behind their despotic rulers and join your wonderful nation? No. Murder the fuck out of every one that's on the best pieces of land, kill their children, burn their animals and leave nothing but blood and destruction in your wake. Then tell their neighbors "you're next unless you become our slaves, bitch.". Clearly that is the sane and reasonable thinking of an infinitely wise and loving allfather and not just some brutal warrior tribes trying to show that their god's penis is bigger than your god's penis.

    Even the supposedly incredibly loving plan he had to eliminate sin is still "I'm going to take somebody that doesn't deserve to die, and then have him tortured and brutally beaten until he's dead. That should fix it."

    And even after that instance of's right back to killing. Anything but the more liberal christian groups all teach that there will be some kind of vengeance from god. The details differ, but the theme is the same. God is pissed and he's going to kill everyone that isn't on his team....but not being on his team is evil....and he's not evil.

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