God on Trial: The Verdict
by darth frosty 3 Replies latest jw friends
It's a good scene. Is that from a movie or play? I need to look that up. Looks like a powerful drama.
I think this argument is powerful in this context because it drives home the humanity of those god had "smitten" in the past, and gives a very real face to what their suffering would've looked like. The witness (and apologetic community in general) simply says that the people god slaughtered he did so because they were wicked, and even if they weren't necessarilly wicked because were going around stabbing kids (like the isrealites) they were at least wicked in the sense that they were not worshipping Jehovah, but false gods, and of course they were no doubt fornicating, or maybe they had gays among them. No doubt there was some kind of sinning going on.
But can anything be said about some random Egyptian slave, or moabite that couldn't be said about the modern Jew from the holocaust? The people forced into concentration camps did not worship the true god as he had wished (according the christian beliefs anyway), they reject jesus as the messiah, a portion of them probably committed fornication, adultery, and then their were the gays willfully committing sodomy in the camps as well. To say that the holocaust is tragic, but the lining up of moabites so that "one may live and two may die" is glorious justice is to imply that the only bad thing about the holocaust was that it was done by Hitler rather than Yahweh.
Next time you read the old testament, think of the holocaust. When you read about the glorious slaughter of a people in god's name think of this.
That's what it was. Genocide. They felt terror and pain just as those in Aushwitz did.
darth frosty
the movie is called god on trial from bbc 2008
For me, it brings to mind this point:
How many wars/acts of genocide in the OT were fought in God's name... in the exact same way that Hitler fought in God's name? Or Bush? Or King Richard?
We see God through Christ.
We have writings from the OT to describe those wars and what those people were doing... (they weren't just in territory that the Israelites wanted - nor would it matter because the Kingdom of God is not a Kingdom of men - and don't think that the other nations weren't killing the people they conquered, including their children, as well. But there were also child sacrifices, human sacrifice, mutilations, rape and crying out for justice from the victims (such as in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah) etc, etc... all this according to the OT, anyway)
But the bottom line is we were not there, and cannot see the full picture from scriptures and history as told in the bible, alone. We can see from current events and close history however, how people fight their wars in God's name, but that these wars (such as the holocaust) go against the very nature and teaching of God and Christ.
We see God through Christ. Christ shows us the truth of his Father. If some writing contradicts Christ, then we can be assured that a) we are not understanding something, or b) God never did it, but people gave credit to Him just the same.
Those of us with faith in Christ, we can trust in that and in Him.
Peace to you,