Informally witnessing to a witness !

by man in black 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • man in black
    man in black

    This was pretty neat !

    An elderly lady who lives behind us lost her husband to cancer two years ago. She has been doing alright, her two grown sons have been helping her out a lot. Two doors down from her is a witness couple, they are pretty involved in the religion and avoid my wife and I like the plague

    ( we DAed ourselves a little over two years ago )

    So her lawnmower broke down, and her son has not been able to come over an fix it. So this afternoon I went over and started to mow it by hand , its a pretty darn big yard .

    As I was mowing the front the witness couple comes home, they go past real slow when they realize that it is me, the evil doer mowing the yard.

    Right away the lady who own the house pulls in, and as she gets out of her car the witness couple is getting out of their car, and they are standing there pretending to be counting their money,( when in reality it is obvious that they want to listen about what is going on).

    Lady says, how nice it is that her lawn is getting mowed, and that she appreciates the effort that my son and I were making.

    She says pretty loud, 'well I dont know what i would have done, if you and your son didn't start mowing".

    (Witnesses are still standing in the same spot, pretending to be counting their money with one ear on our conversation.)

    I say in a loud tone, "well, I don't think any of the neighbors on this side would have done it".

    The witnesses go in their house at this point shooting glances over at me,

    It may have been uncalled for, but it sure was sweet for me to show them that they are not the ONLY people who care for others

    OK I'm done ranting, but again it was a sweet thing !

  • mamalove

    I love it! That was very kind of you to do that for them. My neighbors are great also. Catholic and Non-Dem I believe. Wonderful people who help me out whenever I need it.

    So funny how they were dying to find out what you two were saying. Watch, maybe they will try and one up you and do something else for the old lady! Keep shaming them, the only person to benefit is that widow, and she deserves it!

  • jamiebowers

    Heathen, you should be mowing that widow's yard, seeing that you're not engaged in the life saving door to door work!!! GAG!

    Good for you!

  • wobble

    Well done, for caring for the lady, and for making your point to the JW's, they ignore James 1v27 about caring for widows and orphans.

    In my old Congo. the P.O organised some help for a couple of JW widows, a rota of brown-nose wannabe MS's were assigned to mow grass etc. (notice this did not involve the Elders in any work) but nothing was done for any non-JW.

    James does not say the Widows and Orphans must be believers, just that showing compassionate care is THE "form of worship...acceptable to God".

    Well done again.

  • Reality79

    Maybe they thought the "new system" would automatically fix the lawnmower like the day it was made, who knows.

  • andys

    James 1:27 " Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world"

  • looloo

    i dont think witnesses do good deeds for worldly people out of kindness just a need to give "a good witness " to score points for jehovah !

  • wiser

    They just don't get it. There are good religious and non religious people in this world.I can't count the number of people who have come to my aid expecting nothing in return.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    They only mow the lawns of the houses they're going to own in the New System.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    The story reminds me of something I heard not too long ago: across the street from a JW friend lives an old man who used to be associated with the dubs but has been inactive for over a decade. He has gotten so old he can no longer get around without a walker and his house has fallen into desrepair. The sister across the street noticed one saturday that a bunch of people were over there fixing his roof, mowing his lawn and raking up leaves and stuff. Come to find out it was the neighborhood people (no jw's present) who had kindly volunteered to help the guy out. The sis across the street said she felt embarrassed that no "brothers" had thought to do it.

    And yet JW's go around saying they are the only ones showing neighborly compassion...yeah, if you consider it compassionate to harass people at their doors until they get angry!


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