Everything is "Satan" ... Now what?

by roxanesophia 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • roxanesophia

    Firstly, I'm a study who initially believed every word of the JW's. Figured "no other religion takes the time and effort to help people understand the Bible by publishing The Watchtower and the other literature" not realizing that all it does is pick and choose scriptures to suit whatever sentence they'd just written, which can be done using ANY book, not just the bible. I felt foolish, after that.

    Secondly, after I had been brainwashed into believing that they were God's chosen organization on earth (though the bible makes no mention of organizations) the illusion that i was amongst the most loving people in the world was created. I convinced myself that being with these people was a blessing, blah blah.

    Thirdly, I fell hook line and sinker for the idea that sticking close to "God's organization" and doing his will was the only thing that made sense in a dying world. I was comforted by the idea that there was no point in making anything of myself in this world when there was another awaiting "loyal servants of Jehovah." so of course i came to the conclusion that "serving" meant obeying the governing body, etc.

    These things are what kept me studying for so many years. I reached the point where i felt ready to make a deeper commitment. At the same time, I was having a hard time meeting people in the congregation i truly got a long with because I was suppressing my individuality and personality to fit in with "God's people." and the more meetings i attended, i saw first hand the hypocrisy of "God's people." and though i kept being told "No one is perfect, we're just the ones trying the hardest." I CAN'T believe that crap because there are people in the world BETTER than those in the kingdom hall's but there's no telling JW's that. They turned it around and said "You can't judge." when that's all they do when it comes to everyone else outside. They also said "Yes, there's good people, but they're not doing the work we do." So, I fell for that one, also.

    I suffer from social anxiety so the idea of doing the field service has tortured me. I don't have the attitude of "That stupid wordly person who just slammed the door on me is going to be destroyed at Armageddon and I'll be made perfect so to hell with them." so that isn't helping me out. The JW's aren't too practical there either: "Oh the holy spirit gives us the strength to go door to door!"

    I have PRAYED that if this is what i should be doing to please God and help myself to a better life, that I could make the next step. THAT'S when I learned the TRUTH about the 'truth.' And I took it a sign that my prayer had been answered. I DO NOT HAVE TO GO DOOR TO DOOR SPREADING LIES TO STRANGERS WHO ARE PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF FINDING JESUS CHRIST ON THEIR OWN.

    But according to my study conductor that answer is just Satan deceiving me. Apparently God is not listening and doesn't care that i emotionally, and mentally cannot go out in the field service. I've cried, prayed, cried and prayed and this is the answer I keep getting. Along with all the other evidence that the Watchtower Society is no channel of God's.

    But every time I tell my study conductor this she implies that researching things for myself means I'm an idiot ("read the watchtowers, read the awakes! The internet is there to stumble us.") and all my doubts and answered PRAYERS are Satan, satan, satan. Apparently God doesn't love me enough to put my mind at ease and confirm YES, JW IS the way to go, and is allowing Satan to drive me mad wondering.

    I can't lie anymore. I sat through a district assembly with the bile rising in my throat. The constant reinforcement that university and education is not important next to pioneering, the difference between "worldly" families and witness families, seeing nothing more than a whole bunch of people who dress and speak alike, trying to be what they can't (perfect.) At one point during the lunch hour I walked the whole place and didn't get one "hello" from this so called "new family" should I decide to get baptized. I've been to a few witness outings and found the atmosphere and the conversations boring as hell. Do witnesses really have nothing more to talk about than the field service, the talks they've heard, the latest weddings?

    My question is how do i tell a zealous study conductor that I want to stop studying if "Satan" is the answer to everything?

  • steve2
    My question is how do i tell a zealous study conductor that I want to stop studying if "Satan" is the answer to everything?

    Well, firstly and thankfully, you do not live in a theocratic state so you will not be imprisoned or tortured if you tell the "zealous study conductor" that you want to stop studying.

    Secondly, many religious groups control members and potential members by invoking the Bogeyman: If you leave us, you'll automatically be exposed to Satan's influence. The Menonites, the Brethren,Churches of Christ, among others. Recognize this maneouvre for what it is: A brazen attempt to control you by means of good, old fear.

    Third, you do not have to convince the "zealous study conductor" that you want to stop studying. You learn to assert yourself and tell the JW, "Thank you, but no more study". Get yourself a good book on self-assertion - better yet, hunt out any DVDs or You Tube presentations on practising self-assertion.

    Fourthly, give yourself permission to grow up and behave more like an adult rather than a small child who lives in fear of the bogeyman. It's amazing what you can do when you learn to unapologetcially assert yourself to others.

    Good luck on the exciting journey to adulthood!

  • prophecor

    Whoaaa!!! Someone will be here soon to try to help you.

  • mamalove

    I think you have made up your mind already. The hard thing is you have history with these people, and it is hard to break the ties, especially if you feel guilty or obligated somehow.

    I might approach it rather firmly, but kind. Say it with a smile. If she offers to keep coming, say, oh that is so nice, but no thank you. Your initial conversation with your conductor might be very simple "I appreciate the time, and right now you need some time to yourself to consider. You are at a cross roads, and have reservations that the magazines simply cannot convince you of and you don't want her to waste any more time while you are mulling over your options here."

    Just be honest. You know it is not the truth. So you invested some time and you now are very well educated on what they are really like. Devote that energy to find your own personal truth and your own life path. Good luck! Hope to hear more soon.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know where you are at. I stopped my study a few weeks ago. After 10 years and just about at the stage where I was seriously looking at getting baptized, I found it difficult too.

    I got to the point where I just couldnt anymore.

    So this is what I told them.

    As far as I was concerned our discussions had become horrible for everyone. For me, because I really didn't want to force my ideas on people who I had grown to care about (we had been discussing NGO status with united nations, 144,000, Governing Body, possible association of Charles Russell with Masons, and shunning). And I could see what I was saying was making them very unhappy.

    I could no longer pretend that I wanted to hear what they were telling me because I didn't agree or believe any of it anymore. It wasn't anything personal with them, in fact I had come to consider them as friends. It was totally about me not having any faith in the Watchtower Society. There was great relief on both sides. And I don't regret it at all.

  • Larsinger58

    Leave the broad road, go down the narrow path.

    Our relationship with the Creator is personal, not through some organization, especially one which has now been cast into disfavor with Jehovah.

  • roxanesophia

    Thanks for your help. I have little doubt that i want to stop studying, but i feel bad for wasting someone's time. She might see it that way, but the truth is i believed everything up until i was told to consider taking the next step by going out in the field service. Thats when i researched the religion inside out and was alarmed by what i found. I can't preach to others what i believe to be false. Learning that there's only partial truths to what the future holds, yet i was so comforted by JW teachings, really did a number on me. I said to a relative who is anti-JW "Is Satan pulling a trick on me?" and she replied "No, he's pulling one on them."

    I went crazy thinking "But it's all such encouraging literature, it can't be harmful" but didn't consider until very recently that the bible speaks of wolves in sheep clothing and Satan's ability to be an angel of light and HALF truths. He has the JW's in his grip because they are out there spreading lies based on men misinterpreting scripture and being yet another false religion. Over 2 days i had to hold my tongue as witnesses said "Oh! It's so nice you found the truth." All i wanted to say "And it's so sad you haven't."

    mamalove: The hard thing is you have history with these people, and it is hard to break the ties, especially if you feel guilty or obligated somehow.
    Exactly. I've met a lot of JW's, but on the other hand, these same people have limited association with me outside meetings and studies because in their words "you're not one of us yet." Like they consider association with them to be a privilege. So, realistically I'm not losing friends. I just try to remember that these same people if I were to get baptized wouldn't give shunning me a second thought if i was ever DF'd. Also i just HATE the idea of being in a 'society' meaning everyone knows everyone ike it's high school again, there are recognizable cliques, and i even believed at first that witnesses don't gossip. AS IF. Really, the fact they only stick to each other, cnvinced widening out will only lead them to satanic influence is so ABNORMAL i could vomit.

    still thinking: I could see what I was saying was making them very unhappy.

    I'm in the same situation. My study conductor acts like "Ooh! you really make me research things!" like she enjoys it but i can tell it annoys her. I can't believe i used to be satisfied with the answers i got about 1914, the 144,000, blood transfusions, their idea of paradise earth and birthdays when scriptures don't actually support them. And she believes my ideas are wild and to be dismissed immediately. It really makes me sick how reluctant they are to listen to valid questions or how quick they are to shoot them down as if I, an independent thinker and avid reader, is an idiot.

    Larsinger59: Leave the broad road, go down the narrow path

    I agree. I haven't turned my back on God, it's the organization. And in my opinion, the witnesses don't put enough emphasis on Jesus Christ. The fact their belief about the 144,000 has no bearing, what then is the memorial about? Jesus said do this in memory of me, i can't get past the idea that they're actually PASSING ON the 'body and blood.' while saying it's for the 144,000 only. SAYS WHERE!??? It doesn't. I'm just glad i learned these things (because as i said, i thought i had THE TRUTH) before i got baptized. THAT is only a blessing.

  • Retrovirus

    Welcome, roxanesophia!

    Like you I was a "bible study" but have now been promoted to "bad association" because I "failed to progress"

    Ah well.

    My question is how do i tell a zealous study conductor that I want to stop studying if "Satan" is the answer to everything

    I'd bear in mind that the apparent affection and kindness they show, and the time they've given you is all recorded as "service" for which they get credit; it's hardly a personal favour of any kind. Your study conductor is zealous because of her beliefs and position in the cong, rather than because of any bond between you.

    So, either of two ways - politely say that this will be the last study because you need to "consider prayerfully" on your own for now, or

    Ask enough difficult questions that she will want to terminate. There is plenty of material here and on jwfacts if you prefer this course.

    If she overplays the "Satan" card - just play along until it gets ridiculous even to her. Did satan make the wt redefine "generation" 5 times? Where was Jesus at the time? Did satan create so many animal and insect species that there's no way at all they could fit on the Ark? Can satan keep God from getting through to you?

    Good luck, and kudos for being too honest to go out in "service" - because that's what it really was. Do your own research, and keep in touch!


  • roxanesophia

    Retrovirus: I'd bear in mind that the apparent affection and kindness they show, and the time they've given you is all recorded as "service" for which they get credit; it's hardly a personal favour of any kind. Your study conductor is zealous because of her beliefs and position in the cong, rather than because of any bond between you.

    This is what i considered and feared. It's not about personally liking someone. Can you elaborate on what these benefits are because I've been told there is none.

  • Retrovirus

    It's a horrid feeling, isn't it? I'll let the jw's give the details, but depending on the number of hours per month, jws are classified as "publishers", "auxiliary pioneers" and "pioneers". Pioneers have the highest status, and being a pioneer is the only way a jw woman can have any rank in the org, as the little tassel is all-important. Any other rank is a reflection of her husbands'.

    So why would rank matter in an organisation full of love? You've been there, and probably know better than I

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