Post #253:
"Are you saying they think there are not enough Christians in the world? What would happen if they killed off all the non-Christians...then to whom would they preach?"
Imperialism, in its many forms is about maximizing the number of people in your religion; the amount of territory in your empire; or the amount of revenue for you corporation (not simply by selling more but by absorbing and eliminating the competition). Dominion Christianity, the most virulent form of Fundamentalism, actually advocates Old Testament Law based Theocracy with the conversion of this nation (See also , then the world to their Christianity. Non-Christians would either be severely repressed or executed (depending on whether they're moderates or hardliners).
Maintaining a steady number of non-members to preach to is not the goal of any expansionistic organization. They simply want to maximize, to the greatest degree possible, their membership.
By the way, Sarah Palin and her husband are Dominionists.
Terra Incognita:Why does anyone think he is more special than others?
Satinka: "Not everyone thinks they are more special than someone else. This appears to be a phenomenon peculiar to religious fanatics."
My apologies; I made a mistake in wording. It should read "Why do some people think they are more special than others?". I was trying to equate their mentality with that of everyone else who thinks they're mosre special than others; even if they're not religious. Yes, fundamentalist religions are the poster children for such an attitude, but it's a widespread phenomenom amongst political and economic ideologues.
"Thanks for spending all that time explaining your strategies and reasonings. It's wa-a-a-a-y helpful to hear."
You're most welcome, Satinka.