But how does one differentiate God speaking vs that person's own internal thoughts/subconcious? Why is god so ambiguous that some of us can't tell the difference or don't recognize it? I want my kids to know I'm here for them, without question. I don't care if they aren't ready to hear it or don't want to hear it.
If god exists, he deserves the ultimate hide-and-seek award.
Tell me about it !!
How many horrific things would be avoided if God just simply "spoke up" ?!?!
The problem is that while we speak to our kids and we want them to know that we are there for them, without question or conditions and that our love is unconditional and we CAN do that DIRECTLY, the reason we can do that is because we do NOT effect their freewill in doing those acts.
Let's be honest, God is not US, IF God is truly THE GOD, omnipotent and omniscient, would not God's every word be an order? woudl not God's every whim be Law?
God leads us not by orders nor by demands, but by love and love can never be forced, it can never be used to coherce, it can't come crashing in and forcing itself.
Of coruse this is simply my view and I may be wrong and as you know I try mu best to never force my view or say that I am right and everyone that disagrees is wrong, I just put out my opinion, like we all do.
But I know that, for me, if God came crashing in to your lives and said "THIS IS HOW IT IS", that is NOT a God I would want, would you?