Alien invasion soon
by badseed 16 Replies latest social current
I do I make it a hyper link?
Is Battle Los Angeles about to be released to home video?
Black Sheep
The doomsday dickwits are off their meds again
still thinking
Maybe Elvis is flying around up there.......hmmm so thats where he got to
Thanks Mary (still in the dark as to how it's done, I'll figure it out).
Yeah but, aren't Chinese scientists as credible as US ones. I'm sure they have plastic telescopes, with plastic mirrors you know.
I tried to download Battle LA last night, torrent didn't work
edit to add. No Elvis is really dead that's what my psychic
Fuck ya!!! About time, I want some serious Sci Fi reality.
Terra Incognita
How could Gwenn Dreck have missed this!
They're Muslim, Islamicists out to exterminate the white race!
I would gladly tolerate a little probing (ok maybe a lot) if they took me for a ride in their space ship...
Every once in a while I run naked out into the desert with my arms outstreched to the stars yelling "Probe Me Baby!"