It is over...

by wonderwoman77 21 Replies latest social relationships

  • Scully

    Faithful2Jah writes:

    I'm sure I'll catch Hell for saying this, but I'd never hire a babysitter for my kids with those kind of "standards."

    Rest assured, none of us would even WANT to babysit your kids, considering how you're bringing them up to be ignorant, judgemental, know-it-all, bigots.

    Love, Scully

    In the desert things find a way to survive. Secrets are like this too. They work their way up through the sands of deception so men can know them. - The X Files

  • Faithful2Jah

    Ladonna: I am not a JW. I am a long time Ex. My screen name is meant to imply that I am faithful to God, rather than to an organization of men. But it is seldom understood that way. So I ought to change it.

    Scully: So, just because I accept the Bible's definitions of what is right and wrong behavior for people to engage in, I am an "ignorant, judgemental, know-it-all, bigot"? The Bible tells us that sexual relationships outside of marriage are wrong. Why? One reason is because people often end up getting hurt by them. As evidence that this is the case, I will refer to the pain which WW admits she and her former lover are now both experiencing.

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