I was wondering what year do you think was worse 1968 or 2011. I think this year was bad for me due to the unrest and personal issues.
1968- 2011
by d 13 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sorry about that.
Maybe the next 7 months will be easier for you.
1968, let's see ...
I turned 15; I got to ride in a parade through "town"; one of my older sisters sent us a care package of really nice things to wear.
All in all, it was a pretty good year.
Mad Sweeney
2011 has been a great year so far. Sorry it seems to be sucking for you.
Amelia Ashton
I had a few good months back in 1975 when I was at college and again in 2004.
Apart from those two times my whole life pretty much sucked right up until a year ago.
I hope it won't get bad again and there have even been a few really good days recently but I am expecting it to get bad again. It's different now though because I am prepared and I have found some true friends.
1968 was great. I was taken care of, I never had any stress, I was actually close to my mother.
CL AKA Angus born 2 November 1966
1968 was great for me as a teenager. 2011 has not been bad for me so far. Sorry to hear that 2011 has not worked out for you. Hopefully it will turn around for you to the better.
2011 has definitely not been very good for me. 1968 must have been a very happy year for me as I turned five a year befor my dad started on the road of getting deceived by the WBTS from whence things have never been the same!
yes--1968 goes down as a good one--i got married for the first time--a prime jw pioneer virgin --it all seemed so sweet at the time---didnt take too long for the bubble to burst.
Fortunately for me, my dad and my siblings, we all came out of The Watchtower mindset in 2000/2001 courtesy of the internet though my dad and mum never got out of the org formally till last year when they were disf for exercising their democratic right to cast a vote to decide on a political question. Good riddance and severing of all relationship with a crazy org!
Black Sheep
1968 = bad year for me. Parents intollerable. Pressure to get baptised so that I could work at Bethel.
2011 = good year. Nice summer. Autumn is here now and I have escaped to a tropical island for a while.