I'm Listening to the Eagles
by snowbird 27 Replies latest social entertainment
The Eagles are one of my all time favs! I loved the Hell Freezes Over album, especially this song....(listen to the words carefully):
The Last Resort is my favorite Eagles song too...
That too was a favorite of mine's Journey On. Colonialism Un-Plugged. Could rip your heart out if you're not careful.
Mr. Falcon
hahah sorry Syl, couldn't resist. I love that movie.
And, of course, this one which reminds me of sooooo many people that make excuses why they 'can't':
Minimus, you can just head on down the road.
To Purgatory.
Dr. Don Henley. Much of the lyrical strength of the Eagles.
the prisoner No 6
Snowbird, have you been taking a mind altering chemical ? The Eagles, are you serious ? IF you want a soundtrack to take you somewhere dangerous ,subversive, about the second comming, religion being a rip off, and a machine making MANNA found in Isreal, and UFO oligy, pls listen to an album called THE MEN IN BLACK, from the Stranglers, from circa 1980, where just like the beatles they created new sounds, and made a landmark Album.