from the 2011 yearbook

by therevealer 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • baltar447

    Hold on a minute, I have the PDF and here is page 16 and NOWHERE does it say that they were able to write notes from that day. Please, isn't there enough info to call into question without you making stuff up? Hasn't anyone learned from the whole koolaidman fiasco??

    2011 Yearbook pg 16:

    into Chuukese, Iloko, Japanese, Mandarin, Mar­

    shallese, and Samoan.

    When planning international conventions, the Gov­

    erning Body gives consideration to the size of avail­

    able convention facilities, the number of local Witness­

    es and of Witnesses from other countries who will be

    attending, and the amount of lodging available for del­

    egates. Thereafter, responsible brothers in each con­

    vention city obtain permission from local authorities

    and make contracts with the managers of the conven­

    tion sites.

    Because large sports stadiums are often used for

    these conventions, a tremendous amount of planning

    and work is done to ensure that the venues are digni­

    fied places of worship to Jehovah. In Peru, for example,

    because a game of soccer was scheduled before the

    convention, the brothers were not able to enter the sta­

    dium to clean it and get set up until the night before

    the sessions were to begin. Although 3,000 volunteers

    were asked to help, over 7,000 brothers and sisters ar­

    rived at 6:00 p.m. and worked tirelessly all through the

    night to get the work done.

    At the conclusion of the international convention

    held in Long Beach, California, U.sA., three mainte­

    nance men working at the arena remarked: "We have

    seen many other religions come into this place, but no

    one can do what you people do. This is simply amaz­

    ing." One of the men admitted that when Jehovah's

    Witnesses knocked at his door, he used to say to him­

    self, "Keep knocking because I am not opening the

    door." Now, though, he· said that the next time the

    brothers knock on his door, he will open it and listen.

    One of the men was even moved to say, "I've never be-

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I just checked, too, and can confirm Baltar's statement.

    Bad form, therevealer. Check your sources or you're no better than the Borg.

  • therevealer

    I do find it rather humorous that the serious shit I mention at the beginning is not commented on much. But when I toss in what is obvious silliness to show how stupid they really are it attracts disdain like comments.

    And apologies to Pirata for going where he had dared go before me LOL

    I do fully defend myself in a bit of mimickery at their expense. My point was to show that in their great effort to make themselves so wonderful both in having to clean up after the world and showing how great the support was (they ask for 3000 and get 7000) they want you to overlook the fact that surely these volunteers having stayed up all night (report at 6 pm and work through the night) that next days lectures and talks would for them be a wash.

    Would it not make more sense for the mighty GB under Jah's holy spirit to make arrangements in a more orderly manner, one that would allow all to enjoy and benefit from the program.

    As an aside, I remember the many assemblies that I volunteered at where the assembly program became secondary to the work at hand and the comradery that lead to laughing, joking and having a good old time while the spiritual food fell on others ears, others who could applaud at the annoucements at the end of the assembly of those many who had sacrificed so much to volunteer.

  • baltar447

    When you pull something like this you are playing right into the WT's claims about apostates. Lies, misquotes, outright fabrications do nothing to help those on the inside wake up and smell the coffee. Your doing this as well as the Koolaidmen of the world do more harm than good. If you're going to parody WT pubs, you need to say that you are doing so.

    What if someone came on, saw your thread, fact checked, and they realized your outright falsehood and decided that this site is full of liars and decided to stop researching?

  • therevealer

    Two different opinions I suppose balter447, but the point is taken. I sent you a pm also. I do think that by far the majority on here, epecially those that would follow a thread, are ones that would pick up on the satire. But you and at least one other didn't see it that way so as I said point taken.

  • therevealer

    Oh, and by the way what did you think about the point I made in the first part of the post?

  • baltar447

    therevealer, You have a PM. It's all good.

    On the Newton thing, can you or anyone else provide a link about that? I don't know the whole story. But yes, I'll agree that many of the stories they print sound embellished at best.

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