Hold on a minute, I have the PDF and here is page 16 and NOWHERE does it say that they were able to write notes from that day. Please, isn't there enough info to call into question without you making stuff up? Hasn't anyone learned from the whole koolaidman fiasco??
2011 Yearbook pg 16:
into Chuukese, Iloko, Japanese, Mandarin, Mar
shallese, and Samoan.
When planning international conventions, the Gov
erning Body gives consideration to the size of avail
able convention facilities, the number of local Witness
es and of Witnesses from other countries who will be
attending, and the amount of lodging available for del
egates. Thereafter, responsible brothers in each con
vention city obtain permission from local authorities
and make contracts with the managers of the conven
tion sites.
Because large sports stadiums are often used for
these conventions, a tremendous amount of planning
and work is done to ensure that the venues are digni
fied places of worship to Jehovah. In Peru, for example,
because a game of soccer was scheduled before the
convention, the brothers were not able to enter the sta
dium to clean it and get set up until the night before
the sessions were to begin. Although 3,000 volunteers
were asked to help, over 7,000 brothers and sisters ar
rived at 6:00 p.m. and worked tirelessly all through the
night to get the work done.
At the conclusion of the international convention
held in Long Beach, California, U.sA., three mainte
nance men working at the arena remarked: "We have
seen many other religions come into this place, but no
one can do what you people do. This is simply amaz
ing." One of the men admitted that when Jehovah's
Witnesses knocked at his door, he used to say to him
self, "Keep knocking because I am not opening the
door." Now, though, he· said that the next time the
brothers knock on his door, he will open it and listen.
One of the men was even moved to say, "I've never be-