So, I have been mysteriously added to a facebook page for JW's. I didn't join and it is supposedly a closed group. I went to their page and found a dozen others who were wondering how they became a part of a group they never joined. Strangely enough, they are all witnesses, so it makes me wonder if other members can recommend people. At any rate, I was going to post that I was an evil apostate just to see how fast I would get dropped, but PYRAMID won't let me.
Has this happened to you? One comment on there responded to someones post as to how they got in the group with "Just look at what they say, you know a witness when you see one. Jehovah's spirit surrounds their speech." *snort* I posted the day before yesterday, after a particularly bad day, "FUCK THIS LIFE". Is that the speech Jehovah's spirit is surrounding?
LOL! I just went back to copy that above comment and noticed someone had posted a comment as to whether they should go to university. Somebody on there had already said they shouldn't. So I posted a comment that if they got an education they would never regret it. Maybe I shouldn't get kicked off this page. I can do some serious damage as a wolf in sheeps clothing.