OMG, Ok, now I understand who OP is and what OP said. :) Thanks Outlaw! Also, I agree with both White Dove and Outlaw. White Dove - I was like you. I never questioned it, and did NOT know it was crap. I am a "born in." And Outlaw, I totally agree with your assessment of what they thought. Moshe, LOL, I never thought about that angle. But I think you're right! Chinese water torture for JWs. Funny!
JWs at my Door
by laverite 43 Replies latest jw friends
It depends, OP can also refer to Original Poster (person who started the thread).
I've thought a lot about what I would say to a JW and I do like this take on it. It would be nice to have something concise to say in regards to their history or something that might get their gears going.
I was thinking of being polite then "I have to be honest guys... I used to believe it too, then I went on the internet... don't do it, don't go on the internet if you want to stay in". Reverse psychology perhaps? -
You are in an apocalyptic doomsday cult. And, you've got to get out of it.
OMG!! Said with a sense of urgency. Perfect!
-Aude. (Dare to Know~!)
I'd say; "Oh! the Bible?...I didn't think y'all followed GOD, I thought you followed Body! yeah?" that'll be their trick question of the day. After explaining to me that the GB is NOT who they follow (in so many words), I'll say "Oh, so you don't have to do everything the Governing Body tells you then, right? If your members don't agree with certain things that's their right. Right?"
If that's not enough to get their brains working...I don't know what would be.
You go Laverite schooled them just like a professor would
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Lav, You certainly know more about their religion than they do.
They're on your doorstep so you have a right to say what you wish to them (within the law and reason of course) - I will grant you that. But I think it is unfair to deliver an announcement to your door knockers about their religion then tell them what to do. True, you may value making announcements over eliciting a response and hopefully a constructive discussion. But I still think you acted in an unfair manner. The JWs actually showed great diplomacy under the circumstances by thanking you and leaving. You would have come across as adamant and probably arrogant to them. But if that doesn't bother you, why not?
In my opinion, it would have been better to have just bid them goodbye than putting out a deliberately baited fish hook and then taking it back before the fish can even take a bite. Subtle you're not.
Does anyone else agree with Steve2 (anyone answering this please read my first post and his post both)?
I just don't see it that way steve2. They are knocking on people's doors, uninvited, unannounced to tell the householder he/she is wrong. They are masters at baiting. Simply asking them who they were with doesn't seem like a big bait and switch to me. What they do, on the other hand, does.
Can anyone help me understand steve2's perspective a big better, because, like I said, I just don't get it, having been on both sides of the door so to speak.
Hey laverite, that's just my opinion. I've also been on both sides of the door. I've worked door-to-door with rude JWs who baited people then cut them off. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now.
From your description, the JWs at your door appeared polite and cooperative: they thanked you for your comments and left without arguing or disputing your comments. I grant that it was your door they knocked on - not mine - and it's your choice on how to respond.
This is very much a matter of one's own opinion. My opinion differs from yours but there will be others here who will totally agree with you - and indeed who have agreed with you (see above). That's cool.
Even so, f the Jws you spoke to had been rude or pushy, I'd totally agree with your response - but they weren't. I find it hard to make negative "announcements" to people who call at my door if they speak in a considerate manner. If I've got the time, I might endeavour to engage them in a constructive exchange. But I would never deliver them a declaration of what they need to do. It would be rare these days for a JW to bluntly declare in so many words what householders need to do - JWs tend to be a lot more tactful these days. Again, my observations, my opinion and I respect your right to yours.
I wouldn't call it unfair. Its the truth, and the truth hurts sometimes.
It is true because they are in danger by being a Jehovah's Witness (blood policy). While they are losing out on plenty of other things by being a JW, the threat to their life, though low in the grand scheme of things, still warrants a warning if we feel like giving it to them.